Strange town

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It's been a few hours since Leonna's been driving. She was starting to feel a little tired. Her stomach started to growl as she realized she skipped breakfast. She pulled out her phone to see if there a place to stop at for a quick rest. There was a town she was coming up to in about 30 minutes. She set up the GPS on the phone and kept on driving down the road. 

She pulled up into the town and looked around in awe. It's very much different from where she lived. There was some shops, some hotels, restaurants, a movie theater, etc. She was getting excited and wanted to explore. But food first as her stomach growled again. She decided to pull into the small 50s styled diner. Going in she was greeted with the smells of fried foods and dairy. It was like what she has seen in some tv show and movies. She smiled and went to the counter to place her order. 

The food order was called out and Leonna quickly picked it up and took a seat at a booth and begin to eat. Two people came in and one of them frantically questioned her friend. "W-what the hell was that?!" The friend looking at her calmly shhed her. "Stop you're causing a scene." "B-but the woods and missing people!" she retorted only for the taller one swiftly placed her hand over her friend's mouth. "Not another word of it..." she hissed. The few people in the diner was staring. This sparked Leonna's curiosity. She was about to talk to the girls only for a waitress to pop up. "How's the food ma'm?" she asked. This startled Leonna but she nodded and said it was good. "Is there anything else we can for you?" the waitress asked. "No, I am good thank you!" Leonna said. The waitress nod and left her. When Leonna looked over to where the two girls stood but they were gone. She looked around and was no sight of them anywhere. She signed and went back to her burger and fries. 

When she was done she went up to the counter and asked what was happening with the two girls. "It's nothing to worry yourself with ma'm" the guy said as he quickly ushered her out the door. As soon as she was out of the diner he locked the door and placed the closed sign on the glass door. "Ok... That's weird..." she thought as she slowly walk to her car. She got in and drove off to look around the town in hopes of finding some answers. 

She parked her car in a lot and went to explore the shops downtown. She walked around and checked out some of the clothing bouquets. They had many nice things but nothing really in her taste. She kept walking down the streets and a shop caught her eye. She went into it and smelt the aroma of candles and incenses. There were many books on most of the shelves and the walls as some displays of candles, crystals, incences, and other knickknacks. The shop seemed to be old fashioned and dimly lit. She looked around and smelt some of the scents of some candles. She went over to the books and looked through them. Nothing really standing out to her until she tripped over something. It stunned her as her face hit the wood floor slightly stinging her cheek. "Shit..." she regained herself and got up to see what she tripped on. It was an old dusty book. She picked it up to examine it. As soon as her fingers touched the pages she felt a jolt of pain as if she was hit by lightling. She yelped and held her hands together. 

The lights suddenly went out as a burst of wind blew the glass door open. The powerful wind shattered the glass and the shads flew everywhere. Leonna used her arms the shield herself from it. She looked up and seen it was very dark outside as a thunder storm is happening. But wait it was daytime and the weather was nice a minute ago! This was very weird to her as she carefully made her way out of the shop and to the closest hotel to check in for the night. 

Leonna was drenched as it was raining hard outside. She made it into her hotel room and went into the bathroom to take her soaked clothing off. She would need to get her stuff out of her car in the morning since the storm doesn't seem to be letting off anytime soon. She rung off her clothes over the tub and hung them on the towel rack to dry and she went to dry herself off. She gasped as she seen a strange red mark on her in the mirror. She intently looked at it on her back. "What the hell is this...?" she thought to herself. This is all bizzare. She then seen some blood on her hand. It was coming from her intex finger. "Papercut?" She wrapped it up with some toilet paper. She  walked out of the bathroom and looked at the red numbers on the small alarm clock, "There ain't no way its passed midnight!" she exclaimed. A loud bang was made on the other side of the wall followed along a booming voice of an angry man. "HEY SHUT THE FUCK UP OVER THERE!" 

She flinched by this and felt silly afterwards. It is very late and she is feeling exhausted from today events. She went to bed and curled up in the covers to be warm. She figured she'll deal with it all in the morning as she slowly drifts off to sleep.

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