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Leonna was back at her hotel room. Was she really going to listen to that crazed old man? She had already paid for the room and leaving suddenly felt like a waste of her hard-earned money. She undid her makeup and put on something more comfortable to sleep in. Signing she looked into the mirror recollection all of the events of her journey. She went to her bag and pulled out a notebook. "It's been a while since I've written in this..." she thought as she pulled out a pen and began writing all about her adventures so far. Hopefully this would help her pull the pieces together. As she was writing about her adventures, she was starting to see some form of pattern, or so she thought. She started listing all of her adventures one by one of the horrid shit she had gone through. First, a near run in of a possible serial killer. Then, the handsome man with the roses who suddenly changed. Finally, the words of the old man were fucking with her. "Is there a pattern, or am I just losing it?" She said aloud. She was spiraling into a hole of figuring shit out. Although, she was a small-town country girl that finally found her way into the big city.  Her main focus was on the man with the roses. What would have happened if she picked the red rose or the blue rose?  She closed her notebook and laid her pen on top of it. She lied down and decided to rest and ease her mind. She repeatedly got up at all hours of the night, writing away in her notebook. She didn't even know what the times were. All she knew was that she had a plethora of subjects on her mind. 

The phone ringed as she jumped up to the sound. It was only the phone stupid she bitterly thought to herself. She answered the phone as the hotel clerk stated that its almost checkout time. Looking over at the clock it was 10:50am. She swore and quickly gathered all of her things. She went down to the lobby and returned the key to the desk before running out to her car. She was still sleepy due to her staying up writing everything in her journal. Another thing was it felt as if she was being watched all night which made her feel very uneasy. It wasn't even possible since she was on the 5th floor. Maybe she's just being paranoid. She hopped in her car and went to get a coffee and a breakfast sandwich on the go.

 It was almost 1 when Leonna decided to pull into a parking lot to nap. The dark circles in her eyes tells she hasn't been sleeping well and the coffee just isn't doing it for her. Setting her phone alarm for two hours she reclined her seat and started sleeping. 

Something jolted Leonna awake and the first thing she noticed was it was nighttime. "What the hell..." she looked over to her phone it read 10:23pm. Many thoughts flown through her mind. Did she simply sleep through her alarm? Was she really that tired? She wasn't one to be a heavy sleeper usually. This was weird for her, but she looked around and everything seem to be normal. She started her car and drove out of the parking lot. 

A couple hours had passed, and she didn't want to face it. She was lost. Her GPS seemed to keep making her go in random directions and she in some small town in the middle of the night. There isn't much around. No hotels, the only gas station is closed, and there isn't anyone out passed midnight in a town like this. She pulled over to the side of the road and fiddled with her phone to figure out a way to get back on track. Her phone died. "Shit! This really can't be happening right now!" Plugging her phone on the charger and tossing it to the passenger's seat in frustration. "Ok! Ok... Just give it a few minutes and I'll be on my way out of here..." she said to herself. She softly drummed on her stirring wheel while waiting for her phone to charge only to see someone walking by a house up ahead. Strange... but maybe they might help? She seemed unsure but she really wants to get going. She got out of her car and slowly walked over to where she saw the person go. 

Upon getting close to the house, she noted that the building seemed to be abandoned. Thats a red flag! Maybe she should get back her in car. She turned to head back but seen someone merging from the woods nearby. It looked to be a young boy in a patterned hoodie. His face was covered in a mask and worn goggles. But what took her by surprise was what he was holding. A bloodied axe. He was coming towards her fast! She couldn't scream and felt her fight or flight kick in. She ran as fast as her legs could go back to the car. She hightailed it out of there.

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