Close call

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Leonna tossed and turned. The couch wasn't the most comforting thing to lay down on but her mind running with many thoughts are keeping her up. After what felt like a few hours she gave up. She is far too anxious to rest. She grunted as she threw herself up from the couch. There isn't really much to do since there is no electricity in this cabin. She grabbed her knife and tucked it into her boot. Knowing this may be a dumb idea she feels the need to go out for a walk. Maybe it might help her clear her mind. She unlocked the door and headed out. Thankfully the moon was full and bright enough to illuminate through the trees.

The fresh nature's air was nice and the soft wind blowing through the leaves was a sweet sound to the girl's ears. She walked down the dirt path to hear the sound of water. Going forward she made it to a small stream. She had the urge to take her boots off and soaked her feet in the flowing water. It was cool but therapeutic. These boots were not made for this much walking!

Afterwards she got up to walk back to the cabin but she froze when she heard sounds up ahead. She made sure to be cautious as she made her way towards the cabin. She hopes that it was someone that may help her. Someone sane at least. There was movement in front of the cabin. She heard a familiar male's voice in pain and angry. He was cursing up a storm and seemed to be on the ground struggling. She made her way closer to the scene to see he was got in her trap. A bear trap to be exact. When she got closer his attention wildly snapped to her. He's eyes just as crazed as before when they met at that motel. It was that killer.

"Bitch!" he spat out maniacally at the girl. She just stood there in terror. She was not expecting to run into him here of all places. He tried to attack her but was pulled back by his left leg in the trap. He fell flat on his face and grunted. She stepped toward the killer and pointed the knife at the back of his neck. He stopped all movements as he felt the sharp blade on him. "What are you going to do now pig?" he asked in a ruff voice. "I was going to ask the same..." Leonna said in a monotone. They both were quiet. "Get me the fuck out of this thing!" he demanded. She looked down at him as was getting angry again. "You deaf or what bitch? GET. THIS. OFF. NOW!" he ordered. "No..." she said flatly. He's eyes widen and looked at her darkly. She bent over him and looked him dead in the eyes. "I said no..." she backed away as he tried to hit her. "I'm not an idiot! If I let you loose you're going to kill me!" she said with her arms crossed. He scoured at her and looked away. "I will help you though... If you help me..." she added. He felt the trap being released from his leg. It felt nice to have that off him. He looked at her in surprise as she was helping him up and leading him into the cabin. "What are you..." he was hushed by the girl. She was definitely an odd one.

The dark haired boy was reclined on the couch as Leonna was cleaning his wound. He grinted his teeth in pain as she used the alcohol. She was gentle when applying some medication to the wound before wrapping it up. "This is the best I can do," she said to him as she set his leg down on a pillow. He just chuckled. "Yeah as you're the one who caused it bitch!" he retorted. She just stared at him with her cold blue eyes. He shut up real fast. "Maybe if you weren't out here trying to kill me..." she said unamused.

It was getting cold so Leonna set a fire up at the fireplace in the living room. With the dancing flames of the fire the room seemed to be better lit then with the lantern. The two stared in silences. It was awkwardly quiet but who could blame them. "I have some questions for you. First off who are you?" He stared at her like she grew a second head. "You... You really don't know? I'm Jeff... Jeff the killer? Does that ring any bells?" She shook her head no as he looked at her with disbelief. "I was very much sheltered where I was..." she explained. "Talk about living under a rock!" he said sarcastically. "If you only knew... It wasn't fun living with a crazy religious psychopath all my life..."

The two talked about things they usually wouldn't with anyone. Leonna told him her dreams about being in fashion, a model, or maybe an actress whenever she got to her destination. "You're too much of a pancake to be a model!" he taunted. He tells her his little stories, but she wasn't so sure if they were even true, but she went with it. Some of the details of his stories didn't make any sense logically. But then again her stories of her adventures up until now may of also seemed farfetched to Jeff. It suddenly got eerily silent as the air felt stiff. A loud boom was heard as the ground shook. This made Leonna start having a panic attack. "S-Shit... Not again..." she was scared. "Heh... I feel he's here for you..." Jeff said smugly. She looked up at the window to see very tall figure in the distance. She looked over at Jeff. "Please help me... You may not be much of a friend but you're the only friend I got..." she pled. He looked at her with annoyance. He got up and grabbed her as he moved her to the back of the kitchen. He forced her under the cupboard. "Just shut up and stay there!" he said before leaving. She worked on her breathing and tried to calm herself. She heard Jeff's voice. He was going to take that thing to her! That two-timing ass! She wanted to run but her legs felt like jello. Her whole body was numb at this point. This was it. She really hopes to of had him help her, but she was wrong.

It felt like hours waiting for her end to come but nothing was happening. She heard the chirping of birds. She opened her eyes and seen a ray of light through the opening. She must of dozed off a little in there without realizing. She got out of her hiding spot and looked around. Jeff was waiting on the couch and smirked. "Good morning sleepy head... We can now say we are even! But next time we meet, you won't be so lucky! Got that?" he said. She stared and nod her head in understanding. "Thank you and hope we never met again..." she said.

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