Chapter 4

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I fell asleep that night with only one thing on my mind. And yes, it's Ryder.

I woke up from the sun shining through my curtains.

"Casey get up before your late!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned before swinging my legs to the edge of my bed, and getting up. I really hate the mornings.

I walked to my walk in closet and picked out a pink tank, and white skinny jeans. I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed a plain black sweatshirt, putting it on.

I headed downstairs with my phone in hand.

"Sorry." I said sitting down at the bar and grabbing a banana.

"Well you want to be late? Or on time?"

"On time mom. Geez."

"Don't cock an attitude with me." My mouth fell open. How do I have a attitude? Like what the crap.

"I'm leaving. Bye mom." I didn't wait for her reply before slamming the door shut.

I swear my mom is so annoying. I like my dad better than my mom. You see, my dad understands me better than my mom. She expects me to live it up, and be the best child there is. On the other hand, my dad doesn't really care. He says as long as I behave better than I use to, make the right decisions, I can still have fun. He doesn't expect me to be perfect, or try to be.

I pulled up to the school in my old Ford truck, and parked. Not my option of a truck, just a gift my dad got me a year ago.

I stepped out, to have a arm wrap around my shoulders.

"What the crap?" I shouted and looked at the person who's arm is around me. Of course, Ryder.

"What do you want?" I questioned him. He took his arm off of me, and followed me to the school.



"What did you do last night?"

"Are you some stalker? You don't have to know." I said walking faster into the school halls.

"Casey wait!" He shouted. I stopped again, and turned around. I looked up at his face.

"Tell me what you want Ryder. Your annoying me." I snapped.

"Never mind." He looked past me, and walked by, and down to another girl. He wrapped both his arms around her waist, and pulled her to him. He leant down to her ear and whispered something either cute, or funny, because she laughed. He moved his lips from her ear, and onto her lips.

I rolled my eyes, and made my way to my locker. He's a player Casey, of course he is going to kiss other girls.

I opened my locker, and grabbed my history text book. I shut my locker, and made my way to my first. Hopefully him and that girl went somewhere else, so he won't be in my first. I really don't want to see him.

I entered my class to be handed a test. Great.

"Start as soon as you get it. It should take half the class to almost the full class to finish.

I sat at the desk I was at yesterday. I flipped the test over to the first page, and began.


Good news for me. I haven't seen Ryder at all today, and the last period has just ended.

I made my way to my locker, and stuffed my books in, and slammed it shut. When I thought I was alone, I really wasn't.

"What Beth?" I sighed.

"There's a party at the beach tonight. Wanna come? Please!"

"You know my mom won't let me." I started walking to the doors of the school.

"Just ask. Or sneak out. Just you have to come!"


"What?" She questioned.

"It's a form of party which means alcohol, dirty dancing, and such. I can't. Plus I have a math test tomorrow I have to pass."

Beth's face turned sad. I really hate to not go, but I can't live that kind of life again. Beth doesn't know about it, no one does. And I want it to stay that way as long as possible.

Beth and I walked out the doors, and to our cars to drive home.

I mean, one party shouldn't hurt? I can study as soon as I get home, and just wear what I have on.

I parked into the driveway, and made my way to my house. I opened the door to see my mom standing there.

"Uhh. Hi?" I looked at her oddly.

"Casey Winston, what did you forget to do last night?" A million things ran through I mind. I mentally checked them off as I knew for sure I did them.

After I ran through everything I looked at my mother and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know."

"You forgot to study! You didn't tell me you had a social studies test today, and I let you go to school without studying! You know what happens if you don't get a 90 or above on the test don't you?"

"Y-yes. Sorry mom, won't happen again." I looked down at the floor as I passed her. Great, no way I'm going to this party now.

Once I reached my room, I sat my bag down, and pulled out my phone.

Me: can't come tonight, mom is mad at me.

Beth relied almost instantly, but maybe a minute in between the texts.

Beth: Why she mad?

Me: Because I didn't study last night, and I had a test today. Trust me, she goes crazy if I don't study..

I sat my phone down and pulled my books out of my bag. I better start now, or else I'll never do it.


I woke up the next morning to my hair being yanked up.

"Ow!" I yelled and turned around to see who it was. Of course, my mom.

"Your suppose to go to bed at a reasonable time young lady." She held anger in her voice.

I really don't understand this. One minute she wants me to study hours on end at night. Then she wants me to be asleep at a good time. Like how can I do both?

"Sorry mom, but you want me to study."

"Not so late where you fall asleep on your books!" She yelled gesturing to where my head was just laying at.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"You better be. Now get dressed and come eat before your late." She left my room slamming my door shut.

I groaned. I placed my books into my bag, and zipped it up. I headed to my closet to get clothes to wear.

I can tell its going to be a very long day. Not just because my mom yelling at me, but I'm also going to get a lecture from Beth about not being at the party last night.

Okay it's super boring I know, sorry. I'll try to update something more interesting in the next chapter.

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