Chapter 35

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The line cut off, making me stand on the street in complete and utter shock. Why would Chloe do this? She seemed so nice and sweet. Ha, maybe that saying is true. Everyone you meet isn't always what they seem to be.

After standing on the side walk street for two minutes just staring, and getting strange looks from people walking passed me, I continued to walk.

I'm not going to go back home, and stay locked up in my room. I'm tired of this, and I'm determined to figure this out now. Now that I have a person to look for, and at, this will make things a whole lot easier. Now the guy on the other hand, I have no clue who it could be. It could still be anyone.

I turned left on the road Marshal and I took the other day, the trail into the woods.

On the outside of the woods, tacked on a tree, it said, Do not enter.

I don't remover seeing that sign last time, but maybe because I was having too much fun engaging in a conversation with Marshal.

I continued down the trail, heading occasional chirps, and sticks breaking.

I finally made it to the cabin, but to find the door kicked in, laying in the ground. What the heck? I stepped on the door to get inside the cabin. The first thing I saw was Marshals phone laying on the wooden floor, and his leather furniture messed up, and ripped. What did they do in here? What made them do this to Marshal?

I walked around to the different rooms to see if they left anything, but I found nothing.

"Are you serious!" I yelled. I sat down on the floor, with my head on my knees.

The phone started buzzing in my back pocket. I picked it up, to see Ryder's name light up.

I pressed accept.

"Marshal? Hello? Did you get her? Is she there? Hello?" Ryder? What do you mean? I wanted to say that through the phone but I couldn't. But who does Marshal have? Why does Ryder need this girl? Wait I thought Ryder was captured? Wait Marshal was suppose to help me find Ryder? Marshal knew where Ryder was the whole time?

"Marshal? Hello?" I heard through the phone again.

"He's gone." I said through the speaker. A tear slipped down my cheek. Have I been lied to this whole time?

"Casey?" He spoke. Well not Ryder. A different voice. Tyler's voice.

"Tyler? What have you done with Ryder?" I yelled into the phone.

"I haven't done nothing to him. I'm trying to save his stupid butt, so stop complaining."

"What do you mean trying to save him?"

"Okay your on speaker." Tyler said.

"Look Casey. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Tyler found me, and I'm fine now. We are trying to find a way out so we don't get ahold of him again. I love you Casey, but I have to go. The phone is about to die."

"Wait Ryder-" before I could continue he hung up. That doesn't answer my question on why he wanted to know if Marshal had her.

I put the phone back into my pocket, just for my phone to start buzzing.

"Hello?" I answered ignoring the caller id.

"Look, Ryder's phone died. But it's Tyler. I'll explain everything later on what happened. But we are finally out, and making our way back to town. Meet up with us, please. You have to trust us."

"What makes you think I can trust you Tyler?"

"Look I'm sorry about the past, I know I've done things to hurt you, and to put you in danger. If you meet up with us, I'll explain everything that happened. You just have to trust me."

"Put Ryder on the phone."

"Okay." I heard shuffling going on.

"Casey?" I heard Ryder.

"Yes?" I answered.

"You can trust Tyler." Something told me not to believe him. But at the same time I do. I don't know what to do, or who I can believe anymore.

"Casey?" Tyler's voice came back on.

"Meet us at the book store on the corner." For some reason I find this oddly strange. This is the same location I had to meet Marshal for the first time.

I pressed end on the call, leaving them. I have a bad feeling about this. I stood up, and walked back out the cabin. I started to make my way back to the front of the woods.

Behind me branches were breaking. I ignored them, but once more broke, I turned around. Nothing was there.

I continued to walk, but the branches broke again. I ran, and more branches broke. I stopped suddenly for a couple more to break. I turned around, just for a hand to cover my mouth.

My eyes came face to face with Marshal. I tired to scream but it was muffled.

"You really think I'm going to let you go with Tyler and Ryder? They are just setting you up. Tyler wants to kill you. But first he wants to kill Ryder to show you how painful death is, because of the loss of his dad. He wants you to suffer!" He yelled he last part.

He took his hand away from my mouth, but held a tight grip against my wrist. He started walking back to the direction of the cabin. I tried screaming and digging my feet into the ground, burnt didn't work.

"Why are you doing this!" I screamed at him.

"For your own good! You don't deserve Ryder anymore! Just let him die! You aren't apart of this!"

"Whoever took Ryder wants something from me! So let me see this person, Marshal!"

"I don't want you dead!" He pulled me forward to him, where only inches separated us. I looked up at him, as he looked down at me. His gaze bore into my eyes.

"I know you think you know what's right, but your wrong. Tyler is trying to pull you into his trap."

"Don't say that bill rap when I heard that on the phone, with Chloe, and a strange guy. You told me someone is outside the cabin. What happen to that Marshal? You got me scared. I thought something bad was going to happen to you."

"Why do you care if something did? All you care about is Ryder. You don't understand this Casey, but I've been here, watching you, protecting you, for the past two years. I knew Tyler was going to come after you. I just didn't want anything bad happen to you." He rested his forehead against mine.

"You don't know me." I told him.

"Your wrong again. You don't know me, but I know you."

I moved form his grip, and looked up at him in the eyes.

"Hi Casey. I'm Marshal. Your cousin."

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