Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning due to the bright sun. Last night we ended up deciding to sleep outside. I was between Beth and Chloe, while Ryder, Mason, and Colton stayed inside. Apparently they wanted a "guy talk night". Whatever that meant.

I sat up and looked at the two girls realizing I'm the first awake.

I carefully stood up, grabbed my phone, and walked to the bridge. I sat down facing the waterfall. It's honestly really pretty.

The sun is shining against the water, and the birds chirping, crickets doing whatever they do, and of course the sun rise.

"May I join you?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Ruder standing there still in his pajamas, and messed up hair. It's honestly cute.

"Sure." I gave him a small side smile. He sat down beside me watching the waterfall.

"Pretty isn't it." He said.


"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Fine. It felt really good out here last night."

"That's good." He nodded.

I can feel the tension between us. It's likes not normal to me. Around him I feel so safe, and free, and now it's just awkward.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have kissed her. I feel awful about it. But when I saw Mason kiss you, I realized how mad you must have been when you saw me kiss her. Cause trust me I got pretty mad at Mason," he chuckled. "But I talked to Chloe about you and me. She understands and she even feels bad."

"When did you tell her?" I asked.

"Last night. When you and Mason jumped into the water. I pulled her off aside and told her."

"Oh. " I said.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

"Ryder. I don't know. Like I'm not mad anymore. Just hurt. I know you don't back out of things so I suspected that you'd kiss her. But I was more shocked you did it in front of me."

"I know, and I'm sorry." He said running his fingers through his hair and sighing.

"It's fine." I said shrugging my shoulders. I don't totally believe myself with that. If he wants to make it right with me, he's going to have to prove it.

I stood up, stretched, then walked back go the cabin leaving Ryder behind at the bridge. Maybe the other boys are awake.

I opened the door to look into the living room to see Colton writing something on Mason's forehead. I walked over to him so I can see it better.


That's what is written on his forehead. I looked at Colton trying to hold in a laugh.

"Why did you do This might I ask?" Sill trying not to laugh. Mason is going to be mad when he wakes up. I bet he's going to think either Beth or I did it.

"Our rule is, whoever falls asleep first gets drawn on in the morning. And since he's still asleep in going to do it now." Colton laughed, and smiling at his beautiful work that is on Mason's forehead.

"Nice." I stood up, and headed to the kitchen. I opened the cabinets to find the cereal and bowels. I poured lucky charms into a bowl, then added the milk. I made my way to the couch and sat down. I turned the tv onto cartoons. Hey don't judge, I'm a kid a heart.

Colton ended up joining me with his own bowl of cereal.

"I know we dot talk much. I think that should change. You seem like a cool person." Colton said once the commercial came on.

"Thanks. And yeah I agree. I think we should talk more."

"How about when we get back, we take a trip to the mall to hang out?"

"Sounds fun." I smiled.

Ryder walked in with Beth and Chloe holding onto his arms. This is a sight to see.

"Don't ask." Ryder grunted. The girls let go, then made their way to the couch opposite of us, before flopping down. I swear they could be twins. Well besides their looks, they act just alike.

"How you sleep?" Colton ask.

"Like I slept on rocks." Chloe grunted rubbing her back.

"Itchy." Is all Beth said. I looked at Colton who looked like he was trying to hold in a laugh. Why do I feel like he's up to this?

Well. This shall be a interesting day.

Gah. Don't be mad at meh. I know this chapter isn't that well. But it's just a filler chapter. The next chapter will have a lot more in it, and what is about to happen. I figured I owe y'all at least something so here you go (:
Next chapter will be up soon.

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