Chapter 36

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"This can't be possible. No. Your lying." I told Marshal. I pulled from his grip, but he let go, making me tumble backwards. He can't be my cousin. I would have known about this.

"You mom wanted it to be kept as a secret. Right before you were born, my mom died, which is your aunt, or your moms sister. I was only one when she died, so I don't remember much about her. But your mom kept it a secret because she didn't want the whole family drama spread."

"But why shouldn't she tell me? I mean I could have kept this a secret."

Marshal and I headed back to the cabin. Well it took about five minutes to convince me to go anywhere with him. He told me the story on how she died, and everything.

I sat down on the floor, pushing some broken stuff away.

"I have a question though." I said, looking up at him.

"What's up?" He asked sitting on the couch.

"Why did Chloe and some other guy come in here and break everything down? Why were you trying to be secretive? When all along you had all this planned." As I stated that last line, I motioned around to all the broken things and knocked down door.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"About that.." He trailed. "I didn't actually know about it, you see. They did knock the door down trying to get me, so they could get you. They knew once they saw my phone. They were trying to get you to go to Ryder and Tyler, but I can't let them do that."

"What happen to them?"

"I knocked the girl out, and as the guy tried to come get me, we got into a little fight, but I won easily. The girl is tied up to a tree, and the guy ran out from the woods."

"What did the guy look like?"

"I couldn't tell."

How many people are in on this thing? Chloe, Tyler, Cole, maybe Colton? Colton. I wonder if that's the guy. Cause Chloe and Colton are cousins.

"I bet it was Colton." I blurted out.

"Who's Colton?" Marshal frowned.

"I thought you knew who he was? You stalked my life for two years."

"Nope, no idea. And not every second I stalked you, come on I'm not that big of a creep. Only when you first moved here, and then when I heard Tyler came around."

"Still weird, and creepy."

"I know, I'm sorry."

My phone started buzzing in my pocket, so I took it out.

"Who is it?" Marshal demanded.

"Ryder." I said as I read off the contact name.

"Do not answer it." He growled. He jumped up, came to me, and reached out to snatch my phone. I pulled back quickly, and kicked him.

"What the heck was that for?" He yelled.

"Stay away from me and my phone!"

"You want to stay safe right?" He asked stepping closer.

"Take me home f you want me to be safe!" I screamed. You could see the anger in his eyes. What just happen to make this happen? Are you serious?

"I can't Casey, and you know that."

"Where are they?" I heard a voice coming from outside the cabin.

Marshal covered my mouth with his hand, and held my arms swim so I couldn't move or speak.

"Hello?" Someone called out.

"Is anyone here?" Another voice said.

"Make a sound, I will-" Marshal started to whisper in my ear, but the two figures walked into the cabin.

"Let go of her now!" Mason yelled running over to me. Marshal let go of me, and went after Mason.

"Don't hurt him!" I screamed. Marshal threw a punch, but missed cause Mason ducked. Mason grabbed his arms, spun him around to where his arms were behind his back, and folded them.

"Let Casey go or else I will break every bone in your body."

Colton bent down beside me, helping me up. When I stood up, I noticed a cut on his lip.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"This dude right here punched me." So I was right. That other dude was Colton. That's why marshal didn't recognize him, because he doesn't know him.

Once Colton led me outside, Mason shoes marshal causing him to fall. We walked over to where Chloe was tied up, and out cold.

Colton put a hand to her wrist to check for a pulse.

"She has a slight pulse, and she's getting cold. We need to get her to the hospital quick." Mason untied her, as coin lifted the body of his cousin into his arms.

Mason let me hop on his back. I turned my head around to look back at the cabin. Marshal stood in the door way just staring us four down.

For some reason, I feel like this isn't over with him. But just the beginning.

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