Chapter 25

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"We are going swimming! And that's final!" Beth yelled at all of us. I raised my hands in surrender.

"Okay Beth. We understand this. But right now I have a plan, and we are doing my plan before  swimming." Ryder told her.

"Whatever." She huffed and rolled her eyes.

"So everyone, as I was saying before getting rudely interrupted," Ryder said looking straight at Beth. "I want everyone to wear something like shorts and a tank top. Also comfy shoes."

"Where are we going?" Chloe asked.

"A surprise." He smirked.

I walked to one of the rooms that hold our girls things at. I opened my bag to find a pair of blue jean shorts, and a grey tank top that had a elephant on it. I stood back up, walked to the bathroom to change. Whatever Ryder has planned better be good.


"Dude are we almost there?" Colton asked impatiently.

"Suck it up buttercup." Beth said. But that's kinda strange. Beth doesn't say things like that.

"What did you just say Beth?" I asked laughing.

"I said, Su-" before she finished I interrupted.

"I know what you said the first time. I was just asking because you normally don't say things like that."

"Well when you hang out with Colton for so long you start to go crazy." She did some weird circle motion by her head, and rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but to laugh at her.

"Hey I'm not that bad!" Colton defended himself.

"She is right thought, to much Colton equals crazy. Happens to me all the time." Chloe winked.

Colton just sat there and pouted.

"We are here!" Ryder announced, making us other fours heads turn to look where we are.

"A amusement park?" Mason questioned. Well that explains shorts, tanks, and comfy shoes.

"No. It's six flags." He said as we went under the big sign that says Six Flags.

"No one is scared of heights or roller coasters right?" Ryder asked everyone. I already knew one person who didn't like heights.

"Actually.." Beth trailed. Ha, knew it.

"Are you serious?" He huffed.

"I'll ride them anyways, cause I do like roller coasters. But going up the hill I will have my eyes closed."

"Okay. Fair enough." Ryder smiled.

I will admit, I'm not scared of heights, or roller coasters, but I am scared of getting stuck going up the hill. That's always been my fear since the very last time I stepped foot on a roller coaster.


"Are you ready pumpkin?" My dad asked.

"Not really. But I'm excited."

"Yes. This is your first roller coaster too. I'm so proud of you."

I stepped my foot into the cart once the gates opened, and my dad sat down beside me. The operator told us to put our hands up, so I did as told. The bar came down in front of me, then the operator came to each cart checking to make sure it wouldn't come undone. Then I heard, "Ready for dispatch." The carts started making the way up the hill. We were almost at the top, until the cart jerked, and stopped. Since my dad and I were up front, we could see over the first hill, and down the long drop. That scared me the most, well since I was only eleven. After about thirty minutes we were free, and walking down the stairs, which then we were each given a free ticket to come back.

About a month later my dad asked if I wanted to go again, but I declined. I didn't want another thing like that happening again.

End of flashback:

"Hey Casey are you alright?" I heard Mason questioned. I shook my head to focus on him, looking him in the eyes.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry."

"You zoned out there for about five minutes. What were you thinking of?" Ryder asked, coming to stand next to me. I looked around to see that we are now standing in line to get into the park. How did I get here? I thought we were still in the car. Wow, I must have zoned out bad.

"Oh. Yeah I'm fine. And it's nothing." I gave him a half smile.

"I'm so excited!" Chloe said jumping up and down clapping her hands.

"I am too. I haven't been here for about four years." Colton added.

I looked at Beth who just stood there quietly watching a bug on the fence next to her. What's so interesting about that but anyways?

We each have the lady our tickets, put our phones in a bucket, then walked through a metal detector thing. Wow, this is new. Once we were all on the other side, we grabbed our phones, and made our way to scarf that has maps of the park.

"Which ride first?" I asked. There were a few mumbles of what side we should start at first, and then disagreements on it because it's to much walking. Well news flash, all this is, is walking and standing in lines. So you better get used to it.

We finally figured out where to start at, which is at the back. We all agreed everyone is going to to try to hit the rides up front before going to the back. Then while everyone goes to the back, we'll be heading up to the front. Simple.

We got in like to our first ride, which is called superman. There is a tall hill, then a upside down loop, some turns, a barrel roll then I think your done.

We made our way up the stairs, to find we were the first ones to get to if, so we got to choose wherever we wanted to sit.

Ryder, Colton, and Chloe sat in the front row of four seats, then Beth, Mason, and I sat in the row behind them of four seats. I would have sat up front, but this is my second time ever riding a roller coaster, especially since what happened last time I got on one.

Once we are all strapped in, and waited for some more people, they finally said those three words. "Ready for dispatch."

Our seats moved up, so we were facing the ground. It's pretty cool actually. Then we were on our way, going higher into the air.


Today was so much fun! Thank you so much!" I said hugging Ryder.

"Your welcome." He chuckled.

Not once did we get stuck going up on any of the roller coasters, Beth overcame her fear, and everyone had a great time. I could say, today was a pretty good success.

"Can I get on your back? My feet hurt." I whined to Ryder. He sighed, George bending down, and letting me jump onto his back.

"Thank you." I giggled. I wrapped my arms across his shoulder, and intertwined my fingers on his chest. I wrapped my legs around his stomach, while his arms were under my legs holding me up. I laid my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.

Once we get back to the cabin, I know I'm going to fall asleep. And pretty quickly at that too.

Here is the chapter I promised!! Hope you enjoy.

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