Chapter 46

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I laid on the uncomfortable hospital bed, watching Disney channel. The show Austin and Ally was on, even thought it was a rerun episode. The door squeaked open, and Mason walked in. Great, time to finally hear about my mom.

I bet she was at home watching tv or sleeping. Or even making some delicious food to bring to me. Mason probably talked to her about me being here so she's going to give me a warm treat.

"Hey." I smiled at him. He looked up at me and I could tell something is wrong.

"Mason, what's wrong?" I mirrored his expression.

"Casey. I found your mom.." He said.

"That's good. So what's she doing?" Maybe he's just going to say my mom feels bad for me and can't come see me.

"It's not good Casey."

"What do you mean?" I felt my heart slowly drop, scared as to what he's about to say.

"I find your mom laying on the floor in her bedroom-" I cut him off.

"Asleep?" I asked. He shook his head.


My hand immediately clamped over my mouth, and tears started to fall. My mom is. Dead?

"She's not dead. She can't be." I tried to get it out of him that she's okay.

"I'm being serious. She laid in a pool of her own blood. Whoever the killer was, they left the knife on the dresser so it's going to be real quick to find out who killed her. The cops said your house is under investigation."

"Your lying Mason."

I know he wasn't lying because he started to let a tear slip from his eye.

"I wish I was Casey. But I'm not."

My heart was beating so fast, and my whole body numb. I couldn't feel anything. Not the pain, I couldn't hear the voice of mason, I felt like everything around me was non existent.

I felt hands shaking me, but I couldn't concentrate.

"Casey!" I snapped my eyes closed then open again, and looked up. A doctor standing there, and Mason in tears.

"Casey in sorry I can't help you. I wish I never left that night after Ryder picked you up. I could have prevented this."

"Not the wreck Mason! My mom is dead!"

"Don't you think I know this Casey! If I wouldn't have left so soon Ryder and you wouldn't have gotten in that wreck. If I stayed maybe your mom would still be alive. I know this isn't my dusky but maybe I could have helped prevented any of this."

"No you couldn't Mason." I whispered.

"Tell me why."

"Things happen for a reason."


It's been a couple hours since the outbreak with Mason. I've been laying here pretending to be asleep. Just thinking about everything that has happened. And then Ryder came to my  mind. Earlier. What happened. I wonder if he's okay. I need to see him.

I turned over to see Mason sitting in the chair, with his chin on his hand and his head tiled over a little. Maybe he's asleep.

I looked up at the ceiling. Why does every bad thing happen to me. I got away from Tyler and the past. I made a best friend, but she turned on me. Ryder got kid napped, but thankfully he's back alive. Marshal tried to make me believe him, but in the end he just wanted to hurt everyone. My mother got killed, Ryder and I in the hospital.

The door popped open causing me to jump.

"Sorry to wake you, but here is your dinner." The nurse said sitting the food down on the table that's beside my bed.

"You didn't wake me. But thank you." I commented.

"Anything." She smiled.

"Hey I have a question." I asked her before she left.

"Yes?" She raised her eyebrow.

"How is Ryder?"



"Oh um. Ryder King you say. Well um I can't give out any information, I gotta go." At that, she quickly left me in my room.

Okay. She knows something, and I'm determine to find out.

I picked up the trey beside me, and poked at the meat that sits there. I took a spoonful of peas, and took a sip of water.

I'm not as hungry after all.

Okay not long like I said it would be. But I have my phone back so here is a chapter update. I'm thinking two more chapters then I'll be done with this book. Sorry for the month delay, and the news that the book is ending. And that it's a boring chapter..

Saving Him Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora