Chapter 20

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It's been three days since the whole incident with Mason staying over. Ryder and I have gotten closer in these past few days. In fact we've hung out every day so far. I haven't gotten anymore notes from Tyler and how he's coming to get me. So maybe he got put in jail again. Well at least that's what I hope for.

Beth and I worked everything out also, so we are friends again. She planned for me and her to go to the mall after school today, and she'd buy us dinner.

"So how are you and Ryder?" She asked as we sat down for lunch.

"We are pretty good. Well after I told him-" I paused. No I can't tell Beth. I already have two people in this, I can't bring another one in.

"Tell him what?" She asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"That I. Uh. That I love him." I smiled, looking down at my food.

"Oh okay. That's cool." She popped a fry into her mouth.

Yeah. I wish I could tell her the truth but I can't.


I'm currently sitting in the car with Beth on our way to the mall. It's been pretty silent since the first two minutes of our ride. I don't really know what to talk about with her since we aren't as close as we were in the past.

"So do you have any boys in your life?" I asked her to break the silence.

"Actually. I do. Somewhat." I looked over at her to see her smiling.

"Awe," I gushed. "Who is it?"

"Well his name is Tyler." My heart dropped and my smile faded.

"Tyler who?" She looked over at me.

"What happen to the smile and the gushy to ya second ago? You look like you've seen a ghost.

"No. Um. I'm good. But that's cool." I let out a breath I was holding in.

"Yep. We are actually going to meet up with him at the mall today. Hey you should text Ryder and see if he wants to come too!"

Oh boy. I cannot text him. He cannot show up at the mall. Wait why am I worrying about this? This could be another boy named Tyler. Not the one who wants to kill me.

"Okay." I said.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and brought Ryder's name up on my messages. I sent him a quick text telling him to meet me and Beth at the mall. I left out the Tyler part because he might go crazy, or blow up on me. But who knows. This is probably a different Tyler.

My songs know what you did in the dark by fall out boy came on, which led to Beth and I jamming out screaming the lyrics out. When we stopped at a red light the car next to us have is a strange look, but we don't care, cause we are having fun.

We finally pulled up to the mall, and parked the car. For this time of day we got a decent spot. As we made our way up to the doors I got a text back by Ryder saying he's already here. So I told him to meet us in the front near Belk.

After five minutes of waiting Ryder finally showed up. Mason was also with him.

Wait a second.

"Beth?" I questioned her.


"What happened with you and Colton?"

"Never liked him. Then I found Tyler a few days ago, so I'm good." She smiled at me.

"Hey ladies." Mason winked at us.

"Hi Mason." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

Ryder came beside me and out his arm around me, then kissed me on the cheek.

"How are you?"

"I'm good."

We started at Belk, then went to a shoe place for the boys, then game stop so Mason could get a new video game for his ps4. Me and Beth decided that we were getting hungry, and so didn't they boys, so we decided to head to the food court.

"Oh hey, Tyler texted me. He's here!" Beth squealed.

My heart pounded in my chest, hoping Ryder or Mason didn't hear her.

"Did you just say Tyler?" Ryder questioned.

"Um yeah?" She looked confused.

"Who is this Tyler?" Ryder glared at Beth and I.

"I don't know who he is. Beth does." I spoke really fast. I pulled Ryder aside from the other two, and whispered into his ear.

"Look. Beth doesn't know this situation. So don't make it that obvious something is up. I hoe salty don't know if it's a different Tyler, or the Tyler that is after me."

I looked at him, and he nodded. We walked back to our friends.

"When can we meet him?" Ryder asked Beth.

"Well I told him to meet us at the food court. He told me he was already there. So looks like when we get there, and figure out where he's sitting at, then you'll meet him. He's a great guy."

We made our way to the food court. Beth and Mason chatting along, while Ryder and I following behind. I think we are both scared it's going to be Tyler, the one that's after me.

I can smell the food, and hear a lot of chattering. So I know the food court is a few more stores down. My heartbeat keeps picking up, and I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I'm scared. I honestly am.

"Okay. Tyler messaged me. He said he's at Taco Bell. Let's go!" She grabbed mine and Mason's hand, which I grabbed Ryder's, and she pulled us to the Taco Bell area. That weird feeling keeps growing in my stomach.

We finally reached Taco Bell.

"Okay. He should be around here." Beth started looking around, but I guess she didn't see him.

"I'm scared." I whispered to Ryder. Mason walked over to me.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" He questioned me and Ryder.

"We all do. Besides Beth." I told him.

"Found him!" We heard Beth yell. I stayed turned around, hoping I wouldn't have to look in the face of him.

"Hello Beth. Who are your friends?" I heard this dude talk. I turned around to see who this Tyler is.

My stomach dropped.

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