Chapter 45

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The test came back fine. I have bruising on my spine, and no concussion. My doctor said the pain might be from the small gash I got on the side of my head from the impact of hitting it against the window.

They rolled my down the hall in my wheelchair, and stopped me in front of a room. The heart monitor was going crazy, and doctors and nurses rushing in, surrounding the patient. I couldn't see who it is, but I hope they are okay, and fight this battle. I got a second chance and life, and I hope that person does to.

"Give me the name of this patient." A doctor called out.

"Ryder King." Answered a nurse. My heart dropped. I had to go in there and see him. Thoughts ran through my mind which picked up my heart race. What if he's no going to make it? What if he doesn't live? Why is his heart monitor beeping so fast. I felt the tears slip down my cheeks as they pressed the zapper thing again this chest.

"1, 2, 3," zap. They did this about four times before the beeping slowed down. All the doctors and nurses stayed standing around him, and before I could hear anything else I was wheeled away.


Mason pov:

I wanted to help Casey out as much as I can. Since she's not able to get up, doing this simple task would mean a lot to her.

Casey is right though, her mom not being here is really weird.

I shut my door to my car then drove out of the parking lot, making my way to her house. I turned the radio on, and started singing along to the song. Okay I'm not a good singer, so this is why I'm signing now. I'm alone.

My phone buzzed in the drink holder, causing me to look down at it. I picked it up, and answered.

"Hey Brianna." I answered.

"How is she?" My sister asked.

"Well I got good news. She's awake. After that I don't really know what else is going on other than that."

"Did you tell her about Ryder?"

"Sorta. I told her he's down in a coma from the crash, and how it hit his side. But I haven't told her the other thing yet."

"It's probably best that you don't right now. She's already worrying about a lot of things and she doesn't need this put on her also."

"Yeah your right." I sighed once I finally reached her house. "Hey I'll talk to you later I'm at Casey's house."

"Okay, but why are you there?"

"To check on her mother. She hasn't shown up at all since Casey's been in the hospital."

"Okay. We'll be safe." She hung up the phone, and then I turned my car off.

I have a bad feeling about this, but I have to do this for Casey. I got out of my car and walked to her backyard like instructed. I found the grill, opened the lid, and got the key. I made my way back to the front, to unlock her door. I pushed it open with a slight creak sound.

"Hello?" I called out. The tv in the living room was still on. Some cartoon show played. No one answered my call out.

"Hello?" I called out again. I waited a good ten seconds and still nothing. I shut the door behind me, and began my way around her house. Nothing in the living room, or kitchen. I checked the few other rooms that were located downstairs beiges making my way upstairs. I looked in the bathroom, nothing. Then I walked into Casey's room. I stood there staring at her bed where I sat at just days ago. I looked over at the chair that still sat in front of the desk, with stuff scattered on it. I walked over and say in her bed, looking around. I wonder if I wouldn't have left, I wonder if she'd still be here right now. Her bright smile, and laugh, and her sense of humor. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, not wanting to think about it. I picked up the picture of the night stand and looked at it. It's a picture of all of us. Her, Ryder, Colton, and me. Is was the first night at the cabin. I remember cause Beth and Chloe were fighting on who was going to take the picture. Beth ended up taking the picture, and Chloe edited it. I smiled at the memory, and that weekend. I placed it back down and walked over to her desk. More photos scattered across it. Pictures of her and her mom, and some guy which must be her dad. The. One of her and Beth, then another of her and Ryder. The last one caught my attention the most though. It looked like a young Casey with a young guy. They were both laughing at something funny, while holding red solo cups. This must be Tyler. Why does she still have a picture with him?

I headed back out of her room, leaving everything in there. I walked to the last door in the hall, which is on the right. This must be her moms room.

I opened the door, and peaked in. I gasped before shutting the door quickly. My heart started racing, and all I could think in my mind was to run. But I couldn't. I opened the door again, and walked in. Her mom laid on the floor, cold and emotionless. Blood surrounded her from her upper back, and head.

What happened to her? I looked to my left to see a bloody knife sitting on the dresser. Well whoever this was, they didn't hide their evidence very well.

I dialed up the police and told them what happened. Well what I'm looking at. Not much longer they arrived, and started to investigate. They asked me many questions. I told them how her daughter got in a wreck, and I've been at the hospital for her the past four days, then she wanted me to check up on her mom. Then I came and found this.

They cleaned up the blood, took he knife for examining, and told me I must leave while this house is getting investigated.

I walked back to my car and just sat there. How am I going to tell Casey?

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