Senior Year - Part I

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As a students in the Opelucid Academy and an avid admirers of Ash Ketchum, the aspiring Dragon Master's classmastes found theselves witnessing a startling situation unfold. It all began when Iris, a new student, arrived at the academy. However, Ash was absent for the first week as he was helping his mom at the pokemon preserve. Little did they know that Iris would take Ash's desk, and this sparked confusion and curiosity among the rest of the class.

"Hey, isn't that Ash's desk? Who does she think she is?" Ashley whispered/hissed to Laura.

"I have no idea. She's acting like she knows everything about Dragon Pokémon, but that's Ash's specialty!" Laura replied with a frown.

"Yeah, this is so strange. Ash should be here, not her." Ashley totally agreed with her best friend, as Celeste looked the scene with a frown.

Everyone was taken aback by Iris's confident demeanor, as if she knew best and treated them all like children. After all, Ash's desk was a symbol of his expertise in Dragon-type Pokemon, and it was widely known that he had extensive knowledge about them. Ash's classmates couldn't help but wonder who this newcomer was and what she was trying to prove.

When the battle simulations began, it was no surprise that Iris chose the only Dragon-type pokemon available, disregarding the offers from half of the class who were willing to lend her their own pokemon.

"Hey, Iris, you can borrow my Vanilluxe for the battle. It's strong and can give you an advantage!" John, a classmate offered, noticing how tense Drako was around the girl.

"No! I would never use an Ice-type!" Iris shivered, glaring at the pokemon, while John stared at her aghast. "I prefer using Dragon Pokémon. They're more powerful and majestic."

"More Majestic?" John repeated stunned, Ash would never say something like that! Who does she think she is?!

"Iris, how dare you use Drako? That Pokémon belongs to Ash!" This decision frustrated Celeste, who was not only a classmate but also Ash's best friend. Celeste was infuriated that Iris seemingly poached her friend's pokemon for the battle.

"Well, Ash isn't here, and I need a strong Dragon-type Pokemon. Fraxure will do." Iris waved her off, uncaringly.

"Drako will do?" Celeste repeated shocked. "First of all, his name is Drako and he a powerful pokemon, one you wish you could ever train!"

"It is a Fraxure not a Drako, little girl!" Iris snarled back, getting angry at being underestimated.

"It?! Are you hearing yourself?! Also, you are a little girl!" Celeste screamed, in an uncharacteristic outburst.

"Now listen here!" Iris seethed.

"Enough!" Drayden commanded with a dissapointed frown. "Le tus begin with the exercise, Haxorus you are up!" He called out one of the Haxorus he has on reserve, no need to bring out his starter with students.

"I will prove them all that I am the best!" Iris promised under her breath with one last glare. "I'll show them all! They are all little boys and girls with no real experience with pokemon compared to me!"

Meanwhile, poor Drako, who had been assigned to Ash, felt nervous and sad but decided to follow Iris's lead, wanting to be a good pokemon for Ash, even in his absence.

As Iris pushed Drako beyond his limits and struggled to command him effectively, the tension reached its peak. It was at that moment that Celeste has had enough!

"Enough, Iris! You're pushing Fraxure too hard. You don't know what you're doing!" Celeste shouted, glaring angrily at her.

"Stay out of this, Celeste! I know what I'm doing. Fraxure just needs to listen to me." Iris glared back.

"There's a reason he is not listening and that is because you are not worthy!" Celeste snarled, startling everyone into silence. The normally polite and calm Celeste is gone, and now this person full of fury was on her place. "Dragons know when someone is worthy or not, and you are clearly not!"

"You know nothing!" Iris snarled back, glaring hatefully at this girl that came out of nowhere and was tearing her dream apart... not realizing, that she was the one that had come from nowhere.

"Clearly you are the one that knows nothing!" Celeste took a step foward, Nyx and Dolos growling on each side of her, ready to attack whenever Celeste gives them their order.

However, just as everyone turned their attention to the commotion, a commanding voice surprised them all. It was Ash, arriving with Nephele gracefully perched on her back.

The atmosphere in the class' shifted immediately. No longer seeing the sunshine prince and his cuddly Altaria, they now saw a formidable Dragon Master and his fiercely protective starter pokemon.

"That's enough! You're not treating Drako properly. Let me take over." Ash jumped off Nephele and marched forward, his classmates parting readily to make way for him. Iris was starstruck by Ash's presence, finally she had a classmate worthy of her time. However, before she could even say a word, she froze at he cold glare she received from Ash. She started shaking in fear, as the shiny Altaria loomed menacingly from behind her trainer. "Drako, listen to me. You've done well, but it's time to rest. Return to your Poke Ball for now." Poor Drako looked relieved as he was called back, smiling weakly at his trainer. Ash then turned to Drayden with an expressionless face, but that still showed how angry the boy was. "Drayden-sensei, next time you want to test a student... leave my pokemon out of it."

Ash did not shout or glare as he said those words, he simply stared at his mentor coldly and spoke with an even tone. It made him more scary than it should have been possible for the Sunshine Prince... well, now he was clearly the King.

"I understand," Drayden gulped, answering carefully. He knew that at any given moment Nephele was ready to come at him and he was not sure this Haxorus was enough to protect him from an overprotective and angry mother dragon. "My apologies."

Ash simply nodded his head, before turning his back on both of them and marching into the academy's building. Celeste gave Iris one last glare, as her pokemon growled one last time, before following her best friend. There was no King without his Princess, after all.

Iris stared as her classmates shocked, not understanding what had just happened. She was supposed to come here and show everyone how superior Dragon-type pokemon were. Her experience from the Dragon Tribe should have pushed her ahead and had everyone admiring her. So, why was nothing going on as planned?

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