When it all began

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"Stupid Gary. I can be and I will be a Pokemon Master, I'll show him!" Ash grumbled under his breath as he wandered into the forest.

The ten years old boy knew he shouldn't be going there on his own, but he was too angry to care. He was too deep into his mumbling and planning that he did not notice the Pichu until it was too late, and he was rolling down a small cliff.

"Grr!" Ash growled, more at himself than at the pokemon.

This was not his day. Nothing had gone as planned or as expected. His first day back at school was a bust. Like always he could not stay still or pay attention to a thing the teacher said. The teachers didn't even try to understand him or help him, too busy fawning over the Professor's grandson as if he was some kind of miracle. No kid wanted to befriend him because he was friends with that haughty Gary who thought himself better than everyone else. But Ash wouldn't have cared, he wouldn't have faulted or blamed Gary for what others did. He still doesn't. But he does blame him for leaving him behind when he was the only one who stood beside him. For calling him a loser and an idiot. He had lost his best friend today and that hurt more than anything.

Just as he was about to cry, the frustration, anger, and sadness being too much on the ten years old boy, he heard a pained cry. Ash whipped his head to the right, growing more worried by the second. Whatever pokemon was in the bushes sounded very weak and in need of help. His mom and Professor Oak had told him countless times to never go into the forest and to never approach a wild pokemon. He had already broken one of the rules, they'll get even madder if he breaks both... then again, that pokemon sounded hurt.

Ash not being one to turn his back on anyone, especially a pokemon, rushed towards the bushes to help. He stood frozen at the small bird-like pokemon, with white cotton wings and a small golden body.

"What kind of pokemon are you?" Ash wondered out loud, his voice came out in an uncharacteristic whisper. The pokemon noticing the human began to fidget trying to take flight and get away, but with his wing bent in such a way it was impossible. "Wow! Calm down! I'm not trying to hurt you!"

Ash tried to assure the pokemon but the little one did not listen. Ash started to feel like crying again. He didn't know what to do and the pokemon was only hurting themselves more with every movement.

I want to be a Pokemon Master! How can I be one if I don't even know how to take care of a hurt pokemon? Or what kind of pokemon they are? What a failure! Ash thought, tears watering his eyes. Not wanting to cry he started to hum his mom's lullaby. It was only when he was trying to calm himself that he noticed that the pokemon had stopped fighting and was looking at the boy warily. He liked mom's lullaby! Maybe if I sing it he'll feel better and trust me!

Filled with energy once more he began singing:

A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea

A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea

His tone was soft and gentle, nothing of his usual energetic and loud pitch. It was a lullaby after all it was supposed to calm people, which is why he softened his voice for the pokemon's sake.

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora

Chatot que en la selva

Cantando y llora

Calla mientras la cuna se balancea

The pokemon had calmed down by then, soothed by the song and charmed by the boy's big smile. They even started to smile back, bobbling their head softly, careful of the injuries, at the rhythm of the lullaby.

A la nanita nana nanita ella

A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea

During the last part of the song, the pokemon decided to join Ash in his singing, humming beautifully alongside the boy. The two creating a soothing and pretty harmony.

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora

Ruiseñor que en la selva

Cantando y llora

Calla mientras la cuna se balancea

A la nanita nana nanita ella

"Do you trust me now?" Ash asked his cheer back. The pokemon nodded as much as they could in their injured body. "Good! Now, I'm going to pick you up. Ok? I can't help you, but I know someone who can." The boy excitedly but slowly, in a way only Ash could manage, reached for the pokemon and hugged him carefully into his chest. "Then, to Professor Oak's Lab!"

"Goodness Ash! What happened?" Oak asked worriedly, as he saw the bruised boy rushing inside his lab.

"Professor! This pokemon is hurt! Please help them!" He asked, not minding his own injuries.

It warmed the Professor's heart to see this caring boy prioritizing the pokemon, it showed him that Ash truly had the heart in the right place and will be a great pokemon trainer one day. However, it did not stop him from worrying about him.

"Is that... no, it's a different color. But that's clearly a Swablu. It must be a Shiny Pokemon! But what is a Hoenn Shiny Pokemon doing in a small Kanto town?" The Professor mumbled to himself, not noticing that Ash was listening to every word he said.

"Shiny? What does that mean Professor?" He asked as Oak started to tend the Swablu.

The older man wanted him in another room in case of the wild pokemon lashes back during the treatment, but it seems like the Swablu had grown attached to Ash and would not let anyone touch them as long as Ash himself wasn't touching them too. So, they both ended up at the med room with Ash and Swablu humming as Oak cured the pokemon.

"Shiny is a genetic phenomenon that happens to some pokemon, it makes it so that when they are born their coloring is different from the others of their kind. Swablu's normally are of teal color with white cotton wings instead of golden and white. It usually makes them the outcasts of their kind but in human society, it makes them very valuable. Many would pay a lot of money for a Shiny Pokemon, which makes them targets for poachers. The sell and buy of pokemon are illegal in any region." The Professor gave him the textbook explanation, forgetting that he was talking to a ten years old- especially one that had the span of attention of a Magikarp.

But surprisingly enough Ash was not fidgeting or bored, he was paying attention to every word the Professor said. He even understood what the older man was trying to tell him.

"Does that mean that Swablu was hurt by those bad people?" Ash asked.

Professor Oak looked at the boy who just this morning had been an excitable boy who could not stay still or take anything seriously. But what he saw was a grown little trainer, worried and ready to protect that small Swablu at any sign of danger. He also saw that same fidgeting Swablu who would not allow anyone close, stand next to him as an equal. He had grown and as much as Oak hated that Ash had lost some of his innocence that day, he also knew it would be good for him and his growth.

"Tell me, Ash, would you like me to teach you about pokemon? About how to take care of them? Cure them when they get hurt? Would you like to learn about becoming a trainer?" Professor Oak asked the speechless boy, making a decision that would change the life of Ash completely.


Hi! There will be a few changes to the story, mostly about the age of the characters. Ash's age and everyone who he had ever traveled with or is part of his friend group will have their age increased by five years. Lance, Professor Oak, Delia, Drayden, and every other character in the anime will keep their age. Also, the age for trainers to start their pokemon journey will be fifteen.

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