The Vertress Conference - Part V

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The air was heavy with tension as Gary and Professor Oak found a moment to talk amidst the bustling crowds and electrifying battles of the Vertress Conference. The young pokemon trainer was feeling a mix of emotions, ranging from disappointment in himself to a growing sense of maturity.

With a somber expression, Gary began, "Gramps, I'm sorry for being such an immature grandson all these years. I've given you a hard time and made a lot of mistakes. I promise to do better from now on."

Professor Oak's eyes softened as he looked at his grandson, a hint of pride in his gaze. "Gary, you've always made me proud. Even in your mistakes, you've shown remarkable determination and a never-give-up spirit. You've grown in many ways throughout your journey."

The weight of those words hit Gary deeply. To hear that he had always made his grandfather proud, despite the ups and downs of their relationship, was profoundly moving for him. His eyes glistened with unshed tears.

After a moment of silence, Professor Oak leaned in and asked, "So, what do you have planned now? Where will your journey take you?"

Gary took a deep breath, finding some measure of resolve. "Well, I've received an invitation from Professor Sycamore in Kalos. He wants me to study under him and become a researcher. It's an incredible opportunity, and I think it's time for me to explore a different path. I also want to give the Kalos Pokemon League a shot. Who knows, maybe the third time's the charm?"

Professor Oak nodded approvingly. "That sounds like a fantastic plan, Gary. Kalos is a region teeming with diverse pokemon and new discoveries. I have no doubt that you'll excel in your research there, just as you did in your battles. And remember, no matter where your journey takes you, I'll always be proud of you."

"By the way, where is Auntie Delia anyway? I would have expected her to give me a piece of her mind for treating her precious Ashy bad for so many years." Gary inquired.

Professor Oak smiles fondly. "She is receiving a family friend."

Back at the stadium, a more tranquil atmosphere surrounded Ash, Delia, Cilan, and Drayden as they welcomed Celeste, fresh from her exhausting publicity tour in Hoenn. Her vivacious spirit, however, remained untamed as she embraced the warm reunion.

Celeste's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she turned to Ash, her voice filled with jest, "Did you ever think I'd miss your finals at the Vertress Conference, Ashy?" Her playful tone revealed the genuine excitement she felt about his achievements. And then came the surprise. "Also, you would never guess who I met at the airport."

With a knowing smirk, Celeste moved to the side, revealing a young man with striking blond hair. The mere sight of him was enough to make Ash's heart race. His eyes widened in shock, and he could feel the unmistakable warmth of a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Gladion?!"

The beautiful smile on Gladion's face confirmed that it was indeed him. "Hi, Ash," he greeted with fondness, his tone warm and sincere. "Did you think I would miss the chance to see you win the Vertress Conference?"

The surprise and delight Ash felt at seeing Gladion here were immeasurable. They had shared a unique bond ever since their paths crossed during the Alola adventure. Now, Gladion's presence in Unova, especially for this important moment, stirred emotions within Ash that he struggled to put into words.

Ash's voice held a blend of gratitude and happiness as he replied, "I can't believe you're here, Gladion. It means a lot to me." In that moment everything seemed to fade away, Ash did not even realize that everyone else had stepped aside to give them some privacy.

Gladion's striking, enigmatic gaze bore into Ash's, and he spoke with a soft sincerity that reached deep within Ash's heart. "Ash," he began, "when my duties in Unova are done, I'd like to spend more time with you. My family back in Alola is eager to meet you. Especially, after all you did for Lillie and helping us find dad."

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