Matters of the Heart

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The campfire crackled, casting a warm, flickering light upon Ash, who had his Xtransceiver out and was in a call with Paul. They were in the midst of sharing stories from their respective journeys. Paul, with his usually stoic expression, began to recount his adventures through the Johto region.

"Johto is becoming quite the challenge," Paul began, his voice calm and measured. "I battled my way through four gym already. None of them could stand up to my strategy, but made me work for it."

Ash leaned forward, his eyes shining with interest. "Tell me about it, Unova is turning to be quite a challenge as well. Who gave you the toughest fight?"

A rare glint flashed in Paul's eyes. "There was one Trainer who was particularly strong. Gary Oak."

Ash's ears perked up at the mention of Gary's name. Gary Oak, his childhood friend and rival, had always been a formidable opponent. "Gary? How did your battle with him go?"

Paul's lips curled into a small smile, an acknowledgment of Gary's strength. "It was a close match. He's got a powerful team. But in the end, I came out on top. Some of his pokemon were clearly not taken as much care and focus as some others. He has favorites for sure."

Ash couldn't help but grin. "Yeah, Professor Oak complains about it all the time during our talks. He wishes Gary would stop catching pokemon simply to collect them and would focus more on their training."

Their conversation then shifted to more recent events, particularly the developments in the Pokemon League rules. Paul raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "You heard about the new League rule?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Ash frowned, a bit puzzled. "New rule? No, what's it about?"

Paul leaned in, his tone teasing. "They've banned using more than one Legendary or Mega Evolution Pokemon in a match."

Ash's eyes widened, and he blushed, a bit embarrassed. "Oh, that rule." He sighed, realizing the implications. "It's not my fault that Tobias decided to use three Legendary Pokemon against me?! That's on him!"

Paul couldn't help but chuckle, enjoying Ash's discomfort. "Well, they say rules are meant to be challenged. But it's a reminder that even the strongest trainers need to adapt."

As the campfire crackled on, the two trainers continued their conversation, sharing stories of battles won and lost, rivals met and overcome. When the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the tranquil meadow, Ash ended his call with Paul and decided to begin Jangmo-o's training. Nestled within Ash's arms was the baby pokemon who had hatched from an egg during their journey. With his large eyes and endearing demeanor, it was clear that Jangmo-o was eager to learn and grow stronger.

Ash found a quiet, secluded spot away from their campsite, where the lush grass met the edge of a small, babbling brook. It was the perfect setting for Jangmo-o's first taste of training. He gently placed Jangmo-oon the ground, and he let out an excited chirp, clearly ready for action.

"Alright, Jangmo-o, today's your first training session," Ash said with an encouraging smile. "We'll start with some light exercises to build up your stamina, muscles, and speed. Are you ready, buddy?"

Jangmo-o responded with a resounding chirp and a determined look in his eyes. Ash knew that his new pokemon had the heart of a warrior, and he was excited to help him develop his potential.

They began with some simple warm-up exercises, like stretches and jogging in place. Jangmo-o stumbled a bit at first, his tiny legs not quite used to these movements, but he quickly adapted and followed Ash's lead. As they progressed, Ash introduced exercises to strengthen Jangmo-o's legs and core, helping him build the muscles he would need in battles to come.

Ash the Dragon SpecialistOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara