An explosive start

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As Ash and his best friend Celeste were onboard the cruise ship from the Decolore Islands to Vermilion City, they couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. The scenic beauty surrounding them left them in awe, their eyes mesmerized by the crystal clear waters and the lush greenery that stretched as far as the eye could see. The golden sunlight danced upon the waves, creating a breathtaking sight that filled their hearts with wonder. As they stood on the deck, Ash and Celeste felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement bubbling within them. Leaving the familiar lands of Unova behind and embarking on a new journey was both thrilling and daunting. The anticipation of the unknown adventures that awaited them filled their spirits with excitement, and they couldn't help but share playful glances and wide smiles.

The gentle sea breeze brushed against their faces, carrying a sense of freedom and endless possibilities. The sound of Wingull overhead and the rhythmic melody of the waves crashing against the hull of the ship added to the ambiance, heightening their senses and intensifying their emotions. Ash's heart pounded with the thrill of starting a fresh chapter in his pokemon training journey. He couldn't wait to challenge Gym Leaders, meet powerful trainers, and discover new dragon pokemon in the diverse regions ahead. Each passing minute brought him closer to realizing his dream of becoming a Dragon Master, and the vibrant scenery only served to strengthen his determination.

Celeste, on the other hand, felt a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration as she thought about the new friends she would make and the unique experiences that awaited her. The prospect of exploring unfamiliar territories, encountering new pokemon, and deepening her bond with her beloved team filled her with anticipation. The beauty of the surroundings seemed to mirror the excitement that bloomed in her heart, and she couldn't wait to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing she had Ash by her side.

As the cruise ship sailed across the azure sea towards Vermilion City, Ash and Celeste held onto each other's hands, their shared emotions intertwining. The scenic splendor of the journey and the promise of the unknown future fueled their spirits, creating a sense of determination that only grew stronger with each passing moment. With smiles on their faces and dreams in their hearts, they stepped forward, ready to embrace the adventures that awaited them on their new journey.

However, the lightheartedness was soon replaced by a sense of dread when the storm hit.

As the storm raged on, the once serene journey turned into a chaotic nightmare for Ash, Celeste, and their fellow passengers. The violent winds tossed the ship like a mere toy, causing panic and fear to grip everyone on board. The suddenness and intensity of the storm left Ash and Celeste stunned, their hearts pounding with a mix of frustration, fear, and desperation.

Frustration welled up within Ash as he realized that he couldn't help others who were in need due to the dire situation. The desire to be a hero, to protect those around him, burned fiercely in his heart. The sight of people struggling and the ship sinking intensified his feelings of helplessness, fueling his frustration further. For Celeste, fear and desperation gnawed at her as she witnessed the chaos unfolding around her. The storm's ferocity amplified the sense of vulnerability, making her realize how fragile their lives were in the face of nature's fury. The fear for their own safety and the uncertainty of their fate created a deep sense of despair within her.

Amidst the chaos, Ash quickly called out his loyal companion, Nephele. Ele possessed the ability to fly them to safety. However, the torrential rain lashed against Ele's delicate, cotton-like wings, weighing them down and impairing her ability to stay airborne. As the rain soaked their clothes and the waves crashed against the sinking ship, the gravity of their situation became overwhelming. The darkness closed in as both Ash and Celeste succumbed to unconsciousness, their bodies battered and weary from the ordeal.

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