Interlude X: Chione's P.O.V

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As the newest member of the Thunder, I, Chione, was filled with a sense of fascination and admiration for my extraordinary teammates. The Thunder was a formidable group, and I couldn't help but feel an immense pride in belonging to such a powerful collective.

You see, I was a Frigibax, a female of my kind, and although I knew that I was no slouch when it came to strength, witnessing my teammates' abilities in action was nothing short of inspiring. My family, with whom I had aligned, had already accomplished the impressive feat of defeating the Unovan Elite Four. Their sights were now set on the ultimate challenge - confronting Champion Alder himself. I had joined them during a rather peculiar moment in their journey and had only known them in their most focused and dedicated state.

The Thunder was a force to be reckoned with. There was Nephele, the elegant and powerful Altaria who ruled the skies. Aeolus, the stalwart and unwavering Dragonite, was the epitome of strength. Agni, the charismatic and fierce Charizard, could command the very flames themselves. Ladon, the indomitable and unwavering Garchomp, was like a force of nature. Drako, the cunning and versatile Haxorus, was a master of strategy. Astrape, was the queen of electricity. And while Bruce and Ares were young, they had more courage and determination than any dragon. All of them were under the unwavering guidance of their beloved trainer, Ash.

But while I marveled at their strength and unity, I couldn't help but anticipate the moment when I would be in the spotlight. When Ash could focus on me and help me grow, pushing my abilities to match those of my dragon companions. I knew that day would come, and when it did, I would be ready to embrace the challenge and become an integral part of this remarkable team. As I observed I noticed that the training they underwent was grueling, to say the least. Each day was a relentless barrage of exercises and battles, designed to push them beyond their limits. The Thunder had always been a disciplined and dedicated group, and their training reflected that commitment. They weren't just preparing to face Champion Alder; they were forging themselves into a perfect team of dragon warriors.

Their battles were unlike any I had ever seen. The sheer power and ferocity of my teammates astounded me. I watched with wide eyes as they clashed in explosive confrontations that seemed to shake the very earth beneath our feet. The sky rumbled with their roars, and the ground trembled as their mighty forms collided.

Nephele, our sky queen, gracefully took to the air, her melodic tunes resonating through the training grounds as she executed precise aerial maneuvers, evading the attacks from the thunder queen, Astrape. Aeolus, the guardian of the skies, let out mighty roars that echoed for miles. His Dragon Dance was a sight to behold, his body a blur of power and agility. Agni, the flame-breathing juggernaut, unleashed torrents of scorching fire that painted the training area with blazing intensity. Ladon, the indomitable dragon, was a force of nature, creating shockwaves with each step and causing the very air to vibrate. Drako, the cunning strategist, engaged in duels Ares and Bruce, testing his wits and adapting his moves on the fly.

Every collision between my teammates had the ground quaking, and wild pokemon in the vicinity quickly learned to steer clear of our training grounds. They left craters in our wake, and even the sturdiest trees in the area had to brace themselves against the impact of our battles.

As I watched, I yearned for the day when I would stand alongside them, feeling the earth shudder beneath my own weight as I unleashed my powers in the name of the Thunder. Each day of training brought us closer to our goal, and I knew that I would have to prove my worth before I could fully join this powerful family of dragons. Until then, I was content to watch, learn, and prepare for my time to come. As I watched my powerful teammates go through their rigorous training, a sense of longing welled up within me. I knew that I had to earn my place among the Thunder, but sometimes the impatience in me got the best. It was during one of those moments that Delia, Ash's mother, came over and sat next to me. Her gentle hand reached out and patted my head, and her soothing voice filled the air.

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