The Jet Badge

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Mistralton City, a place known for its strong winds and connection to the sky, greeted Ash and Cilan with a cool breeze. One that Ash's pokemon were enjoying fully. They made quite the spectacle, with Ash and Cilan strutting down the streets confidently, with a Thunder of powerful and menacing dragons flying above them in total synchrony. Poor Ash could not understand what all the stares were about, while Cilan could not stop his laughter from slipping- his best friend was too amusing at times.

As they approached the local Gym. Ash was eager to earn another Gym Badge on his way to becoming a Dragon Master, but little did he know that this Gym's unique approach would challenge his expectations.

As Ash and Cilan entered the Mistralton Gym, they were met with an unexpected sight – a long line of enthusiastic Trainers eagerly awaiting their turn to challenge Skyla, the Gym Leader. Excitement surged through Ash. He was ready for another thrilling battle, but as they got closer to the front of the line, he overheard something astonishing – appointments were required to battle Skyla.

"Appointments for a Gym battle? That's a first!" Ash turned towards Cilan bewildered, as he returned his pokemon not to reveal his hand before his battle.

"Yeah, quite a unique format. I've heard that the Gym Leader's love for flying was the driving force behind this unique system." Cilan replied. Skyla's passion for flying was legendary, and to ensure she had enough time for her aviation pursuits, she meticulously organized her Gym's schedule. He then, with a frown, muttered to himself. "I just hope that the other things I've heard were not true..."

As they settled into the Gym, Ash and Cilan observed the morning challenges. What they saw left them baffled– Skyla's battles were unlike any they had ever encountered. These were not physical battles; they were something she called "Air Battles."

In this unusual form of competition, Skyla envisioned the outcomes of battles in her mind. With incredible speed, she declared moves and strategies, and within moments, the winners and losers were decided without the need for physical combat. It was an astonishing display of imagination and strategy.

"Wait, they're not actually battling? It's all in her head?" Ash's eyes widened in shock.

"They were true..." Cilan sounded incredulous. "Skyla's battles are battles of the mind. That's... just spits on everything a Gym Battle should be about!"

While some Trainers seemed to embrace Skyla's Air Battles with enthusiasm, Ash and Cilan couldn't help but feel disappointed. The core of being a Gym Challenger was to engage in real battles, testing their skills and the strength of their pokemon. Skyla's unconventional approach felt like a departure from the time-honored tradition they held dear.

Ash glared as another "Air Battle" happened before him. "I came here for a real Gym battle. Imaginary battles aren't the same!"

"I have to agree with you, Ash. Real battles are what define the journey of a Pokemon Trainer," Cilan stated resolutely, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. He turned to his best friend, excitement simmering under his skin. "Are you challenging her and showing her what a true Gym Battle is?"

Ash, however, didn't respond immediately. He merely smirked, a devious glint in his eyes, and turned away from the gym. Cilan was left bewildered by Ash's sudden departure, calling after his friend in confusion.

"Ash?! Little prince, where are you going?"

But Ash's path was unwavering, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He seethed with a righteous fury that Cilan couldn't entirely comprehend. Ash's next words were charged with purpose, an ominous promise of consequences to come.

"I will not waste my time with a Gym Leader like that," he muttered darkly, the smirk on his face carrying an unsettling edge. "She wants to behave like a child and neglect her duties, then she will face the consequences of her actions."

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