Senior Year - Part III

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Ash smiled as he watched Celeste pat her newly evolved Jolteon. They had made it! They had graduted from the Academy and have earned Zeus and Drako. They could not be happier!

"How are you feeling valedictorian?" Ash teased his best friend, who blushed under the praise.

"You have no position to tease me!" Celested pointed at him in embarrassment. "You placed second, with higger grades than me in practical and dragonic knowledge!"

"We worked hard!" Ash agreed, beaming as he laid back on Nephele. "Now it's the hard part."

"To put it in practice," Celeste agreed, as Nyx and Dolos stood up on each side of her in attention. "Are you doing the Unova circuit?"

"Not happening," Ash shook his head. "I wanted to go back home and try my chance there," Ash had a nostalgic expression.

"That sounds great," Celeste had a kind expression on her face, before frowning. "Wanted? You've changed your mind?"

"My first stop will be in Vermilion City, I will take a cruise from the Decolore Islands to Kanto- a gift from the team working at the preserve. From there I will teleport to Pallet Town to pay a visit to Professor Oak... I've missed him." Ash answered. "However, I will be challenging the Sinnoh circuit first."

"Sinnoh? That's quite a leap," Celeste raised an eyebrow surprised. "Why there?"

"Because it is the region with the best coordination circuit," Ash replied cheekily.

"Ash.. what..." Celeste stuttered confused.

"I adore you Celeste, you are the sister I never had," Ash interrupted her gently. "Do you think I will leave you alone after your whole world had been turned upside down? I know you wanted to challenge the Hoenn coordination circuit, but that had changed, hasn't it?"

"Yes, I can't face Wallace anytime soon," Celeste looked down, before rapidly looking back up and smiling at Ash. She had tears in he reyes and looked quite touched by Ash's words. "Thank you."

"It's nothing," Ash waved it away, but Celeste will not allow him.

"It's everything," Celeste grabbed Ash's hands firmly.

Ash looked at Celeste's determined and sincere's eyes bashfully, before changing the topic. "Let's get going, mom has a surprised party prepared for us at the preserve. Remember to act surprise."

"Got it," Celeste chuckled, as she and their pokemon followed Ash to the place he had called home for five years and will soon part from.

The sun began to set over the Unova Nature Preserve, casting a warm golden glow over the gathering. Delia Ketchum, Ash's loving mother, had organized a heartfelt goodbye party for her son and his close friend, Celeste, who were about to embark on their next journey in the Sinnoh region.

Delia stood at the center of the festivities, surrounded by a group of pokemon playing and enjoying themselves. Delia watched with a smile on her face, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and concern for her adventurous son.

"Congratulations, Ash, Celeste! I couldn't be prouder of both of you for graduating as the top students," Delia exclaimed, her voice carrying genuine excitement. "But please promise me you'll take care of each other in Sinnoh. It's a whole new world out there."

Ash and Celeste shared a glance and nodded in agreement. Ash, always the determined trainer, responded, "Don't worry, Mom. We've got each other's backs. We'll tackle anything Sinnoh throws at us!"

Delia's gaze then turned specifically to Ash, her expression softening. "Ash, I know you're still upset about what happened with Drayden. But please, try to find it in your heart to forgive him. Holding onto anger won't do you any good."

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