Life Choices

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He left without saying a single goodbye. He didn't have time. As soon as he got home, his new Poké Ball belt around his waist with the Heal Ball comfortably sitting there, Ash's mom had him packing and kept him home the following day. Not that anyone would fault Delia, his baby boy was leaving for half a year for a faraway region. She just wanted to spend every remaining second with him. However, none of them will understand how much that would affect the future of not only Ash but Gary as well until it was already too late.

The journey to Unova was peaceful, there were no external complications and while some pokemon were restless during the flight Ash and Ele's singing kept them calm for most of the time. The good thing was that they loved the Nature Preserve and felt at home being surrounded by more of their kind. Ash, on the other hand, was so excited at being in a whole new region and meeting so many rare pokemon. Or at least rare in Kanto, that is.

Nephele, on her part, did her job as protector and friend of her human perfectly. She was never too far, always on his head or shoulder- though she preferred the top of his head the most. Humming for her human whenever he was learning something new and singing with her human whenever a dragon was out of control. She was also healing rapidly; her cast would come out any day now. Her human was very excited... she not that much.

"Ash come closer," Drayden called out. They were both at the Dragon Master's house. It's been a month since the boy had come to his care and it was finally time for Swablu's cast to come off. "As you know we are taking Ele tomorrow to the Pokemon Center so she can her cast off. That's when her process of rehabilitation will start," he warned the boy, who looked at his pokemon with care and worry. "She had the other dragons to focus on and forget about her own issues but as I know you've noticed pokemon's traumas can be focused on a different matter which impends them of their normal growth. She was injured in a traumatic event, hurt by humans. It is a miracle that she opened up her heart so fast and so much, you should be proud." Ash beamed at his teacher and at his pokemon, who snuggled him back in return. "But she has been bounded to earth for more than a month now and with all the trauma it might take her some time to regain the courage to fly once more. You'll have to be patient but strict, it will be hard."

"I know sir, but I am ready," Ash replied, determinedly.

"Good," Drayden said, a small smile making way into his usually frowning face. "Then what about I analyze Ele with my Pokedex feature so I can help you plan a training regime for her?"

"You can? Thank you!" Ash exclaimed, excitedly.

"Just pass me her Poké Ball," the Dean asked, taking the ball and reading it with his Pokedex.

It said:

Pokemon: Swablu.

Gender: Female.

Ability: Natural Cure.

Type: Normal/Flying.

Move set: Peck, Astonish, Sing, and Fury Attack.

The pokemon knows the egg moves Steel Wing and Dragon Rush.

NOTE: This pokemon is shiny. Egg moves have yet to been unlocked.

"Not bad," Drayden praised, both Ash and Ele preening. They've known the man enough to know that getting praises from him is a big deal. "Her ability with your Heal Ball will be a deadly combination. Natural Cure is an ability that heals all status problems when it switches out, Heal Ball will only boost that and help her regain some of her strength if not all if you leave her enough time in. I recommend having her start learning Refresh, it's a move that cures paralysis, poison, and burns. With her ability, it will come easy for her to learn and you won't need to switch her so much. It will only make her deadlier and her health status rise to the maximum. I would normally tell you to start teaching her Safeguard and Take Down after Refresh, as she's already used to her Normal-type energy and they won't be as taxing as other moves. But I'd rather you leave that for later and teach her Perish Song first. I know it is a complicated move, but she has the vocal cords for it and quite the talent for singing. Not to mention it will be a deadly move to have in your roster."

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