Marigold's Choice

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As Ash and Cilan were fervently discussing their upcoming journey to Opelucid City, their plans were abruptly interrupted by the sudden arrival of a sleek, black limousine. The vehicle pulled up with an air of undeniable opulence, its presence in stark contrast to the rustic surroundings.

The limousine's door swung open, and out stepped a man whose imposing demeanor commanded attention. He cut a striking figure with a sharp suit and an air of authority that was impossible to ignore. His presence exuded power and influence, setting off an immediate wave of curiosity and even a hint of apprehension. The man stepped forward and announced authoritatively. "I'm looking for Cilan."

Cilan, somewhat surprised by the assertive arrival, stepped forward and introduced himself, albeit with a hint of caution. "I'm Cilan, yes. How can I help you?"

Before he could receive a proper response, he and Ash found themselves unceremoniously ushered into the limousine. The well-dressed chauffeur didn't leave them much choice, as he held the door open, clearly expecting them to get in.

"Please, get in. Mr. Hatterly has requested your presence." Chauffeur informed them stoically.

With a mix of intrigue and uncertainty, Ash and Cilan climbed into the luxurious vehicle, the door closing behind them with a soft thud. The atmosphere inside the limousine was worlds apart from the untamed wilderness they had just been discussing moments ago. Plush leather seats cradled them comfortably, and the vehicle moved with a near-silent grace, its windows tinted to offer just a hint of the world outside. The interior was immaculately clean, exuding a sense of wealth and sophistication that contrasted sharply with the rustic charm of their previous surroundings.

Ash and Cilan exchanged curious glances but remained silent as the vehicle cruised along. The air was filled with a heady blend of curiosity and uncertainty. Who was this Mr. Hatterly? What could he want with Cilan? Why were they being swept away in such a regal manner?

"Cilan? Did we get kidnapped?" Ash leaned to whisper warily.

"I don't believe so," Cilan replied with a thoughtful frown. "However, we should be prepared for anything. Keep Nephele's Poke Ball at hand, we might need an emergency flight away."

"Got it," Ash nodded with determination, palming the Heal Ball on his belt.

The scenery outside gradually shifted from the picturesque wilderness to urban landscapes. They entered an area where expansive mansions, impeccably manicured gardens, and wrought iron gates bespoke affluence. It was clear that they were headed to an exclusive neighborhood, and the anticipation grew.

Eventually, the limousine came to a halt before a grand mansion, one that was no doubt Mr. Hatterly's residence. The imposing façade exuded an aura of privilege, from its stately columns to the meticulous landscaping that surrounded it.

The chauffeur, his demeanor unwavering, opened the door for them, and they stepped out onto the pristine cobblestone driveway. The grand entrance beckoned, and as they approached the mansion, a wave of intrigue washed over them.

This unexpected turn in their journey was poised to open a new chapter filled with questions, and it was impossible to anticipate what Mr. Hatterly had in store for them. They exchanged one last, nervous glance before entering the opulent mansion, the heavy wooden doors closing behind them with a soft thud.

In the opulent mansion of the Hatterly family, a grand hall was adorned with priceless artwork and elegant décor. The rich scent of blooming flowers wafted through the air, filling the room with a sense of sophistication. "Welcome! I am so thankful that you've accepted my invitation."

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