Senior Year - Part II

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Ash sighed as he entered Dean Drayden's office. He stayed quiet, face expressionless as he waited for his mentor to speak.

"Iris has returned to the Dragon Tribe... she did not find what she was looking for here," Drayden informed his mentee, ignoring the viciously delighted look Nephele was wearing behind the young boy. Drayden once thought Landon would be an issue, but after his evolution he had settled down. Nephele, though, she became more protective and cruel than you would expect from one of her species. Maybe it is because of her past, still something had to be done before she crosses a line. Not that Drayden could say a thing right now, he was walking on thin ice with Ash at the moment. "I would like to apologize for using Drako to test Iris. She just wanted to become a Dragon Master, but was too cocky and childish about it. It could have ended up with her getting really hurt. I thought that maybe if she saw how difficult it was to command a dragon in battle she would realize her mistakes..."

"Which is why you used Drako, who would have not reacted badly if only to please me," Ash cut him off drily. "Did she learn her lesson at the end? Or did she leave with her tail between her legs in shame?" Drayden did not answer, making Ash snort humourlessly. "Typical! She might have not gotten hurt, but what about my pokemon? Not to mention, the fact that she is a kid. I am a kid!" Ash finally exploded and screamed with so much raw betrayal that it made Drayden's heart ache. "Yes, I may have gone through things no other kid my age has, but that still does not change the fact that I have a lot of maturing to do still. If she was acting cocky or recklessly, teach her. Don't make this tests and throw her into the water to see if she sinks or swims!" Drayden looked down in shame, he had not only failed Ash but both of them. "Sensei, I respect you a lot. I truly do look up to your and am very grateful for your guidance. But this is not something I can overlook. You put my Drako in harm... I can't forgive you so easily."

"I understand," Drayden sighed. "I am sorry, I really am. I hope that one day we can fix this."

"Me tood, sensei," Ash sighed, as he stood up and headed towards the door. "Me too." His mood did not get better, as he found Celeste crying her heart out under their tree. "Celeste! What's wrong?"

Celeste looked up at me her eyes filled with sorrow and confusion. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before speaking. "Ash... I just found out something that has shattered my world. I... I recently discovered that my mother... she's not actually my mother."

My eyes widened in surprise and concern. I could see the pain in Celeste's face, and I knew this revelation must have been incredibly difficult for her to bear. It was difficult for me to understand! I could not start to think what she was going through! "Wait, what do you mean? Who is your mother then?"

"My biological mother... she died giving birth to me," Celeste's voice trembled as she spoke, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "My aunt, the woman I thought was my mother, she's actually my aunt. She kept my true parentage a secret all these years."

I felt a mix of shock and sympathy for my friend. I could see the deep sense of betrayal and confusion in Celeste's eyes. This was so surreal! Like taken from a pokevision drama! "I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling, Celeste. That's a lot to take in. But, who is your biological father then? You told me your mom... I mean your aunt, was a single moth... single aunt?" I grimaced as I stuttered, this was so complicated! "That your father was young and had not felt prepared to raise you... sid she lie about that too?"

"That she did," Celeste snorted humourlessly. "She told me that she did not want to lose the last connection she had to her beloved little sister... that's why she never told my father. She was afraid that he would take me from her. However, she had made a promise to herself that once I was ready to start my journey she would tell me the truth." She then took a shaky breath, her voice filled with a mixture of pain and disbelief. "My biological father... it's Wallace. The previous Gym Leader of Sootopolis City Gym, the renowned ex-champion of Hoenn, and the famous Top Coordinator. It's... it's unbelievable."

My jaw dropped in utter astonishment. I struggled to find the right words, feeling a sense of helplessness as I saw Celeste's anguish. "Wow, Celeste... I... I don't know what to say. This is a lot to process. I'm here for you, though, no matter what. We'll get through this together."

Celeste buried her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. I could tell she felt a deep sense of loss and betrayal, her world turned upside down by this revelation. "I... I feel so lost, Ash. I don't know who I am anymore. Everything I thought I knew... it's all been shattered." She confessed between sobs. "How do I even begin to make sense of this?"

I pulled Celeste into a comforting embrace, holding her tightly as I struggled to find the right words of solace. "Celeste, I may not have all the answers, but what I do know is that you are still the same amazing person I've always known. Your parentage doesn't define you. You're strong, kind, and compassionate. We'll figure this out together, and no matter what, I'll always be here for you."

Celeste clung to me, I hoped she found solace in my words and warmth in my embrace. That she realized that even in the midst of her pain and confusion, she had a true friend by her side.

"Thank you, Ash," Celeste sighed on my chest. "I'm grateful to have you in my life. Let's face this together, one step at a time."

With our friendship as our anchor, Celeste and I vowed to support each other through the difficult journey of self-discovery and finding strength in the face of adversity. We had a lot of work to do before graduation and starting our journey, but we will do it together.

Ash the Dragon SpecialistWhere stories live. Discover now