And This Makes Ten

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Ash had returned to Unova after a tranquil vacation in Alola, basking in the comforts of his home in Opelucid City. The warm sunbathed his backyard, creating a serene atmosphere. He was lounging comfortably in a deck chair, his pokemon scattered around the yard, enjoying the tranquil afternoon.

As he relished the simple joys of being home, a Delibird suddenly appeared, fluttering gracefully with a small package in its possession. Ash's heart leaped with curiosity; he knew Delibird often carried special deliveries. Delibird presented a beautifully wrapped gift box with intricate Paldean designs. Ash accepted the offering, and a rush of curiosity swept over him as he wondered about the contents of the box.

It was a gift from his friends, Cilan and Celeste, who had been on a journey to Paldea. Ash remembered his disappointment when they had decided to bypass Unova on their way to Hoenn, missing a chance to catch up. However, their surprise gift was a heartfelt gesture. He looked up to the sky, acknowledging his friends, Cilan and Celeste, and a warm smile spread across his face. The disappointment he had initially felt about their decision to bypass Unova was now replaced with pure excitement and appreciation for their thoughtful gesture.

Gently, Ash began to unwrap the gift, revealing the contents hidden beneath the layers of exquisite paper. As he laid eyes on the surprise, his face lit up with curiosity and wonder. Within the box lay a small, striking blue Poke Ball, adorned with intricate yellow lines - a Quick Ball. Its vibrant design seemed to shimmer in the gentle sunlight, and Ash couldn't resist the urge to hold it in his hand.

Quick Balls were renowned for their swiftness in capturing wild pokemon. Ash felt a surge of excitement; he had never received such a gift before. All his pokemon were caught, with the exception of the two pokemon eggs which he found and was given guardianship of. A sense of mystery and adventure overwhelmed him. What pokemon could possibly be enclosed within this unique Quick Ball?

"Thanks, guys," Ash muttered in gratitude. "I wonder what's inside this Quick Ball."

As Ash activated the Quick Ball, a burst of light erupted from its center, coalescing into the form of a pokemon that left Ash utterly bewildered. He blinked in surprise, feeling like he'd stumbled into a completely different world. The pokemon before him was unlike any he'd encountered in his journey nor his studies.

This stout, gray bipedal reptilian creature stood with an air of unique elegance. Their most striking feature was the relatively oversized head and facial features, giving them a distinctive, almost caricatured appearance. Their eyes held a fascinating contrast: yellow sclerae framing deep black pupils, creating an intense, intelligent gaze. At the left side of their lip, an enigmatic square-shaped ice crystal glinted, mysterious and captivating.

A bulbous, light gray snout extended from their face, equipped with two distinct nostrils and a wide mouth, capable of emitting a sense of warmth despite the creature's otherwise icy countenance. They bore a light blue underbelly, a subtle and beautiful counterpoint to the primarily gray body. At the base of their back, a short tail added balance to their otherwise stocky frame.

This unique pokemon possessed stout and stubby limbs, with three distinct digits on each of their hands, leading to an intriguing appendage—a long, thin, and vividly yellow quill on the back of each hand, suggesting a concealed strength beneath their calm exterior. However, the most extraordinary feature was the prominent dorsal fin, triangular and gracefully arching upwards, creating a mesmerizing silhouette. Positioned atop the broad fin was a large, circular pattern of pristine white. Together, these features gave this pokemon an air of enigmatic beauty.

Intrigued and puzzled, Ash's first instinct was to consult his trusty Pokedex for answers. He raised the device, pointed it at the unknown pokemon, and the robotic voice chimed in, providing vital information.

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