Deleted: The First Time Marshall Got Sick In Front of Paul

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Trigger Warning: graphic description relating to the topic/action of vomiting


Note: This is a scene I've often thought about but never truly put into existence because I wasn't sure how I wanted to execute it. But I'm a real sucker for Paul being a giant care bear and for Marshall getting the love and help he truly deserves, so here we go.😂

Just some things to remember: In the book, it's stated that Marshall holds onto the food he eats until he naturally pukes it out. I meant that in the sense of his body full on rejecting any traces of food which remain in his system roughly 24 hours after being ingested. Unfortunately, the only way to keep this from happening against his will is for Marshall to purge whatever's in his stomach on his own before then.

Normally, he has no problems letting his body do what it needs to because it's easier passing things that way. It just ends up happening when Paul is around when they start spending nights together.

Timeline wise, this would've happened a bit after Marshall was given permission to be in Quileute territory and started spending more time at the Lahote house, but before the Cullens decided to leave Forks.

Also, shameless plug incoming 😂There's an easter egg in here! I won't say where it's from, but it's something else written by me that I've thrown in here just because! I have now placed myself into the Pretty Boy universe and am not sorry about it 🤣

Also also, deleted character detail: The song referenced in this chapter was almost Marshall and Paul's song, simply because the instrumentals and the vocals backing it made me feel all warm inside!


Marshall didn't feel well.

He knew something was off when a queasy sensation woke him up before he was truly ready to greet the world. Discomfort was strong enough to make him bite back multiple groans and necessary position changes. He chose to do so because he wasn't alone in the bedroom; and there was an apparent fear that moving or making noise might disturb a tranquil environment.

At the time, the sun hadn't risen yet, crickets were still chirping, and Paul was sound asleep in the vampire's delicate hold. A crisp, chilly breeze carrying the smell of fresh rain wafted into the room via slightly ajar windows.

It was only the fragrant aroma of water which helped to clear his senses enough to let him fall back asleep.

But relief was short lived.

Because as soon as Marshall got out of bed at around noon, the first thing he wanted to do was gag. Each slight movement made his abdominal muscles clench in warning. The most minor shifting of his weight made fluids swish around in his stomach. Being in any lying down position made undigested food swim upward, settling right below the back of his throat. The only way he wasn't assaulted by an unwanted desire to puke was by sitting on the couch, propped up against multiple pillows.

He wanted to curse himself for completely neglecting his body's biological timer.

Now, when Marshall went out for lunch with Brad, the vampire didn't see a point in trying with the situation...because he was usually home when it was time to naturally do so. If not, he at least had a private bathroom at his disposal to do what needed to be done.

But Marshall hadn't foreseen a surprise date with his boyfriend later in the evening. Nor did he foresee a long, passionate night full of kisses, laughter, and physical declarations of affection. Such an amazing turn of events made him forget about the remnants still sitting in his stomach.

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