Deleted: What Happened After The Betrayal

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A/N: Hello, lovelies! I'm sorry for this chapter being up late. I posted an announcement a few days ago about my upload schedule for this month. If you missed it, simply put, uploads for PB:TLC might slow down a little bit until mid to late September. I'm currently working on a pretty serious project for a contest on the NA Romance profile, and the deadline is on the 23rd. Once I'm finished with it (seeing as I'm already half done), uploads for this book will go back to normal 👍


Trigger Warning: implied domestic violence


Note: This chapter is something I've thought a lot about ever since "The Betrayal" was written. It was a really heavy chapter packed with a lot of hostility from Marshall. And while seeing him overwhelmed by that anger in front of the Cullens is a common sight, I never went into how those emotions followed him after he walked away from the argument. So this part is going to be a bit of an in-depth look on how Marshall's rage towards his family causes him to lose himself, even when he's in the comfort of his own home around someone who usually helps to keep him calm. Some additional character lore not present in the original Pretty Boy will be sprinkled in here too.

Also, to change things up a little bit for extra character analysis, this part will be done in Paul's POV! 

Now then, let's begin!


A controller was held tightly in Paul's hands. Dampness formed against the skin pressed against smooth plastic. Random vibrations ran along his palms. His fingers were quick in hitting specific buttons to make sure certain commands were executed properly.

Brown eyes narrowed in concentration, brows furrowed.

The television flashed a bright blue 'victory' on his side of the screen, whereas a dim 'failure' appeared on Jared's side.

An excited cheer happened in concurrence with a devastated groan.

"Looks like you're paying for dinner, loser."

"This is so stupid- I paid last time!"

"Yeah, well, I did it the time before that. We agreed that whoever lost this round was going to cover it tonight. It's not my fault you suck ass at this game. Maybe don't button mash next time, dickwad."




Paul rolled his eyes, smirking. "Oh, real creative. Haven't heard that one before."

Jared tossed his controller onto the couch cushion beside him. He slunk back into a mound of cozy pillows. Muttering to himself, he pulled his phone out to scroll through the food delivery app as expected.

Paul was in the middle of choosing a different game when a familiar aroma of sweet copper invaded his nostrils. His gaze stayed on the television, so he had to rely on his ears to paint a picture of what was going on behind him.

Jingling keys smacked against the door before it was pushed open. Combat boots were unzipped and unlaced. They made a loud thunking noise when being put on the metal rack. A similar sound followed alongside chains rubbing against leather, most likely because a certain jacket had been hung up. Keys were then tossed into a decorative bowl to keep them from getting lost.

"Hey, Marshmallow."

The front door slamming shut was enough to make Paul and Jared freeze.


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