Extra: Marshall Comes Out to Brad

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Note: Happy Pride Month, everybody!!! ❤️🥳🏳️‍🌈

Just like with the character art, something else I wanted to include that fit well timewise was Marshall's coming out story to Brad. This was something I'd thought about a lot when writing Pretty Boy; but because their friendship was already established and this was a before-the-story-started type of thing, I never added it. That being the case, this chapter actually means a great deal to me.

As someone who openly identifies as Bisexual and has had to come out multiple times for several reasons, I have firsthand experience—in terms of going through emotional and mental hurdles when considering being open about who I really am. I feel a bit...validated...and heard...by putting this chapter out. It opens the floor to show others who haven't gone through this what it's like to actually do so.

So, just to be mindful: Marshall will be open about the stigma and ostracization he's forced to go through from his family members. It won't be the most detailed explanation, but it won't be a censored, sugarcoated version either. Viewer discretion is advised.


Slender hands fiddled with the rough fabric of an overnight backpack hanging off of one shoulder.

Long, muscular legs hidden beneath a pair of comfortable sweats took slow strides up a set of wooden stairs.

Golden eyes peered up at a familiar house surrounded by thriving plant life. A quick glance to the left revealed a small pond sitting in the back of the property beneath several tall trees. Leaves connected to swaying branches released their flimsy grasps before lightly smacking into closed windows. The reflection of a gray sky made the house's color scheme of dark green, blue, and purple appear a little more saturated than normal.

Upon walking across a wide porch, a single gulp was taken.

After knocking, both hands took an even tighter hold on the backpack's strap. 

Marshall knew if he was still human, his heart would be racing right now.

He did his best to shield his anxiety and inner turmoil when approaching footsteps from inside became louder.

Brad opened the door with a wide, delighted smile; and having his curls tied up in a small bun made it easy to see pure excitement in his kind hazel eyes. "Hey, you made it! Oh- I'm so excited for our first sleepover together. Come in, come in!"

Marshall allowed himself to be pulled inside without issue. The front door was closed behind him, and his belongings were taken to be placed upstairs. 

Knowing the layout of his friend's house, the vampire took his shoes off by the front door before walking further inside. He passed by a small kitchen on his left and a set of stairs and closet to his right. Teal colored walls housing several pictures were momentarily glanced over. It only took about twelve steps to reach an open living room space. 

A plethora of sweet and salty snacks were placed along a short, wooden coffee table. A similar entertainment center with different consoles had a long flat screen standing on top of it. The white interior of a fluffy orange comforter popped against the navy hue of an L-shaped sofa.

Golden eyes were looking down at Brad's vintage record player as he practically skipped into the room.

Marshall tried not to jump when two hands clapped against both of his shoulders. He was pulled into a soft hug from behind.

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