Alternative: Marshall Reveals His Gift

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Note: If you guys remember Marshall's character archive, you'll know that his original gift was supposed to be power over lightning and fire. I initially chose those to match his fiery, wild temper. Even after cementing his tattoos-coming-to-life ability, I often found myself still thinking about the original one. I even thought up a whole fight sequence where he, once again, kicks Edward's ass and embarrasses him in front of literally everyone. This fight sequence will be a bit different than the one in the final draft, though—because in this one, Marshall actually loses his temper and purposely decides to not hold back.

And can I just say that unhinged, feral, I'll-kill-you-where-you-stand Marshall is just...wqjbejfbejshfbrjegbrj 😂😂😂

Ready for more badass moments with our favorite vampire? Well then, let's get to it!

Also: for this part, I'm bringing back the trait where Marshall is the fastest vampire in the coven!


Slender hands glided along the surface of fluffy, silver-colored fur. Smooth finger pads wove in deeper to get an indulgent feel of warmer skin hiding underneath. Vibrations ran along his palm, the sound happening in time with each delicate stroke along sensitive areas.

It was cute that Paul rumbled, the dog equivalent to purring, whenever he received gentle pets from his imprint.

Marshall's loving gesture acted as both one of affection, as well as one to help keep his anxiety at bay.

He'd been dreading this day ever since the pack agreed to help the Cullens deal with Victoria's newborn army.

Now, to be fair, fight training would be beneficial for the wolves. It wasn't common for the pack to run into newly turned vampires. Normal hunts consisted of going after rogues with no coven, or the occasional small groups that never really posed much of an issue in terms of being dealt with. Plus, with vampires usually running away whenever they caught sight of the wolves, experiencing a physical fight head on was rare.

In order to get a better idea on how newborns would utilize their abilities, it was appropriate to witness a fight between experienced creatures.

That didn't mean Marshall was going to enjoy being near his family, though.

Things were okay with Esme and Carlisle. For everyone else, Marshall had no desire to even look in their direction upon the pack's expected arrival.

He could already pick up their distinct, sweet coppery scent. He could already hear their huffs and yells and snarls. It was practically impossible to not feel a wall of cold coming from their vicinity when he was surrounded by a bundle of warmth.

Marshall felt out of place whenever he was around his coven. 

But for the sake of appropriate preparation, he ignored a growing urge to turn around and go back home.

Additional low growls from other wolves helped to instill a sense of safety—a sense of belonging.

There was a unanimous agreement that the pack would leave at their vampire's discretion.

He greatly appreciated the sentiment.

Stepping on a branch alerted the Cullens of their guests' arrival. A sea of golden irises moved toward the treeline. Apprehension was seen via clenched jaws, tightening fists, narrowed eyes, and stiff posture. Clothes were covered in stray pine needles from previous sparring matches. Flawless facial features were marred by miniscule smudges of dirt from people being thrown across the ground.

Tension continued to escalate.

"You're late."

"Count yourself lucky that we even came at all."

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