Brad's Survival Arc: Part 7

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"Brad, this is dangerous."

"It's literally not. You've gone against vampires before and killed them with no real issue. This is nothing."

"Getting rid of vampires is one thing. Taking my chances with something so vicious is completely different!"

Brad had to look in another direction to keep his teasing smile hidden. 

The oh-so dangerous task Leah was complaining about stood before them. A wide metal cooling rack stood to one side, napkins perched beneath it to catch any sort of mess. On the other side, prepped empanadas were waiting to be dunked in an oil bath. Said liquid had finally come to a hot enough temperature to begin cooking properly. All they needed to do now was begin placing each savory snack inside.

"Really, Leah, if we don't start, the oil is going to burn."

"But it's going to splash!"

"...I don't think it's that serious."

"Then you do it!"

Shrugging, Brad had no qualms in picking up several empanadas and placing them in the pot without using any utensils. As soon as the first turnover made contact, oil bubbles rushed to the surface to begin the frying process. They became more frantic as more food was added to cook. Using his hands in such a free manner didn't give him any protection against the occasional pop. One specific bubble burst, splashing against his wrist.

He looked at it with a deadpan expression. "Oh no. The oil. It got me. What ever will I do."

"Brad, that's not funny."

"Oh- I spoke too soon. My arm. It's going to fall off."


"I've lost the battle. The empanadas have defeated me. Ay dios mίooooo. Por queeeee."

Brad's nonchalant theatrics were successful in pulling a laugh out of Leah.

She took a step forward to help cook.

And she screeched when another bubble popped against her arm.

This time, it was Brad's turn to chuckle.


A bright sun flaunted its heated beams to the Earth without mercy. There wasn't a cloud in sight to bring any reprieve from the scorching heat. Rain was forecasted to arrive within the coming hours, however, signaled by a sort of mugginess which left hair frizzy and skin extra damp.

Although this sort of temperature wasn't in a range many people found pleasant, there were little bits of nature which continued on, unbothered by the toasty graze of late summer La Push.

A pretty butterfly approached the front porch where a new bed of flowers had been planted. The creature's body was white and fuzzy. Striped antennae led up to dual black nubs at their tips. Long, rounded wings were black at the edges with specks of white mixed into a cool blue on top. On the underside, a fine white color was overtaken by random sections of gray and black.

The butterfly flapped its wings twice after landing directly on Brad's finger.

"Hm. Cute," he muttered to himself.

Since there wasn't a need to shield his body from prying eyes at Emily's house, Brad was able to soak up the sun's rays openly. His sparkling skin was still fascinating to observe. It even caused tiny fragments of rainbow-colored light to bounce off of the small insect taking refuge on him. Perhaps it was intrigued by his supernatural features and wanted to get a closer look.

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