The Pretty Boy Halloween Special

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Chapter Playlist to Get You in the Spooky Mood:

Michael Jackson - Thriller

Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters

The Living Tombstone - Spooky Scary Skeletons Remix

Rihanna - Disturbia

Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers - Monster Mash

Bing Crosby - The Headless Horseman

Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me

Michael Jackson -  Blood on the Dancefloor

Michael Jackson - Ghosts

The Jacksons - Torture

Theledge93 - This is Halloween


Children's laughter echoed along the bustling streets and sidewalks of residential strips. Hyperactive footfalls skipped their way along narrow pathways to reach tall, vibrant houses. Spooky decorations hung from banisters, winded around porch columns, lit up windows, and made dazzling shows on the sides of walls from hidden projectors. Gloved, clawed, and painted hands reached into candy-filled buckets with glee. Kids frolicked in their costumes, ranging from well-known celebrities, fictional storybook characters, monsters from folklore, etc.

A full moon partially blanketed by wispy clouds watched the scene of merriment from its perch high in the sky. Its light shone down on tall, jagged trees whose fallen leaves skidded across the ground with each push of chilly wind.

Far away, in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by forest life, a single house stood with several cars parked in front of it. Orange and purple lights crawled up the wooden beams supporting the porch's roof. Jack-o-lanterns of various sizes stood on either side of each individual stair. A welcome mat with an orange base was livened by the image of a black cat with piercing yellow eyes. 

An open front door brought in the sweet, nostalgic scent of decaying leaves.

The Uley house was as packed and lively as ever. 

Even though there were only five occupants, boisterous laughter, clinking dishes, and loud music made it seem like a huge party was going on.

The dining table had a plate of homemade pumpkin cheesecake bars sitting in the middle. Glasses containing cream liquor of differing varieties were kept near a trio of place settings. A friendly conversation pertaining to everyone's specific costumes was traded over a quick snack, while a certain duo were still getting ready together in the bathroom.

Sam was dressed up in a ripped, raggedy suit covered in fake blood. His face and hands had been splashed in random areas. A small helping of dark powder under his eyes gave the illusion that they were severely sunken in. An impressive job was done in terms of the realistic special effects makeup on his head—which showed an exposed brain having broken through "his" shattered skull.

Jared was keeping it classy with his attire, only consisting of jeans, dirty carpenter boots, a zipped up brown leather jacket, and a bloody hockey mask. He also had a fake machete clasped to one of the belt loops on his pants. A simple flick would make it easy to grab the weapon in preparation for a funny, panic-inducing chase.

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