Deleted: Reassurance Goes a Long Way

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Trigger Warning: a dissociative episode, themes regarding emotional and mental abuse, mentions of child abuse and neglect, a very serious mental breakdown


Note: This chapter was actually supposed to be a series of separate, shorter chapters; but I decided to put them all together for a more meaningful experience—both for you lovely readers and the characters themselves. My notes for the original order were: 1) the first time the pack witnesses Marshall dissociate, 2) the first time Marshall falls asleep around the pack, and 3) Marshall having a bad day emotionally and needing some support. That last one was supposed to be a heartfelt chapter between Marshall and Emily (because I love their dynamic so much), but I changed it to be a heartfelt chapter for the original pack as a whole (meaning Sam, Jared, and Paul will be involved too).

Timeline wise, this would've happened days after the events of "Bad Timing". So at this point, Rosalie would've already known about Marshall being in love and how serious his relationship means to him. Building stress from the Cullens messes things up, however, leading to the overall plot of this chapter. Since things will be a little hectic, POVs will shift from Marshall to Paul and then back to Marshall.

Please keep the trigger warning in mind and view at your own discretion. I know the aforementioned themes are quite heavy, but the premise of this chapter is to show Marshall how a healthy support system is supposed to work. It's also the big kicker for him to realize his family/coven's "support" system isn't anything to be fond of. 

More than anything, I just wanted to give a representation of Marshall having (another) genuine safe space. Because he (and anyone reading this) certainly deserves to have them.❤️


"Oh my god- can we just, like, not do this. Unlike you, some of us have to work to make a living. Sometimes, a job can be extremely stressful. And sometimes when I've had a hard day, I just want to relax. But here you are, yet again, to ruin the plans I'm trying to commit to."

"I'm sorry, Marsh, but I can't keep quiet about something so serious. I know you said that you love him, but I don't know if I can honestly accept you being with-"

"And that sounds like a real fucking you-problem, Rosalie! Just because you're too much of a judgmental bigot to see past a prejudiced lens doesn't mean I have to revolve my life around making sure my actions please you! Fucking hell- we're not even on the same side of the damn country, and you're trying to dictate who I choose as a mate. Again." Marshall gripped his phone and steering wheel with enough strength to make his arms shake out of poorly concealed rage. "You know, I thought you would've been delighted to know I was in love. To know someone has finally managed to tie me down. To know I'm being faithful to someone. Because sleeping around was another thing you couldn't stand about me. In light of this conversation, though, I'm starting to think I won't be enough until I meet your, along with the coven's, ridiculously high and downright unachievable expectations. Well, so sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not going to fucking happen!"

The call ended before Rosalie could aim to make a response.

As soon as she tried to resume their conversation, her attempt was rejected and the phone was turned off. It was tossed without care against the padded, leather material of a vacant passenger seat.

Out of frustration, Marshall banged his head against the hand still wrapped around the locked steering wheel.

Even with tinted windows darkening minor traces of light struggling to filter into the car's interior, it was easy to make out how pronounced veins bulged against the hand taking refuge over his right knee.

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