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I woke up before my alarm. Now that was new, although this time, I looked forward to rolling out of bed and getting ready for my nine hour long train ride on the Hogwarts Express. I still could not fathom as to why I did not immediately scream or bolt out of bed into defensive mode after I saw Dumbledore standing at the foot of my bed. After he told me his name, and gave me my Hogwarts letter, I finally understood that it was not just a dream, but a dark reality but somewhere in some higher being's messed up destiny for me, I ended up here, in a world where magic existed, a world based off my favourite childhood series, Harry Potter.

With great difficulty, I hauled my trunk onto a trolley and placed my owl on top, she flapped her wings and screeched in protest. "I am sorry Delphi, just a little bit longer." I had purchased her with Dumbledore just yesterday at Diagon Alley along with my other books, cauldron and my own wand.

"Strange. I have never encountered a witch such as yourself."

I looked around, trying to find the direction of the voice until Ollivander walked to the front of the counter from the maze of shelves behind him, stacked with boxes.

"I remember every wand I have ever sold, yet you seem so unfamiliar here, am I correct?"

"Why yes. I only found out I possessed magical abilities quite recently."

He looked deep in thought as his pale silvery eyes drifted to the back of the shop. "What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't. My name is Katerina Aydin"

"Right, now Ms Aydin please hold out your wand arm."

Thank God I remembered this scene from the books as I confidently stuck out my right arm and he measured me from shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round my head. As he measured, he said, "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same." Well that's a lot of wands.

He quickly stepped back and wandered in between the shelves, coming back with a black box in his hand. Opening it unveiled a wand of the deepest mahogany and as he held out the wand to me he said, "Holly wood and unicorn hair. Ten inches and only slightly flexible." I hesitantly took the wand and gave it a small wave, completely shattering a vase. I flinched, hopefully I wouldn't have to pay for that. Ollivander just tutted and said "Definitely not." muttering a quick spell as the shards of porcelain reformed themselves into the vase. We went through about five wands each giving just as bad of a reaction as the next, boxes went flying out of shelves, papers scattered everywhere and the poor vase was smashed again. I was starting to lose hope. "No matter, we will find a wand for you Ms Aydin" and quickly walked in between the shelves. I couldn't help but feel so guilty about the mess I caused in the shop.

Before I could deliberate any further, he came back and said, "How about this one? Elder wood and dragon heartstring, twelve and a half inches, rigid flexibility." [what is everyone's wand?]

When I held the wand in my hand, I was transfixed by the smell of flowers as a tingling sensation shot up my arm, it felt so... right. Pathetic description I know, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"Curious... very curious."

"I am sorry, Sir, but what is curious?"

"There is an old superstition amongst wand makers in regard to elder wood, 'wand of elder, never prosper'. Of course the fear is baseless, only those who are fated for greatness will be able to master the trickiness and power contained within this wand. You are destined for great things."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now