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We were finally released from the hospital late afternoon the next day. While Harry, Hermione and Ron were on their way to visit Hagrid, I was struggling to climb the stairs, hauling myself up each one tirelessly. It was almost the end of the year. To think that I have already almost died again, twice in the span of one year was unbelievable, and to be honest the first one wasn't even worth it. That foul git still hates me and constantly makes my life miserable.

As if my stream of frustrated thoughts summoned him, Malfoy was strolling through the corridors with his usual smirk.

"And here is the source of my misfortune," I mumbled, continuing to walk through the corridor.

"And here I thought you couldn't get any more unsightly," he said, looking me up and down, focusing on my bandaged cuts and blue bruises. "Which gate of hell did you just walk out of?"

"Funny you ask that, aren't you supposed to be down there guarding them?" I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest. "Now, if you excuse me I need to–"

"Not look like you just crawled out of hell?" he finished, leering with his hands in the pocket of his sharply cut black blazer.

"Since you are so obsessed with it, I can send you off there personally."

"I wouldn't mind the private tour since you are so familiar with it."

I had enough of him. I clenched my fist at my side with annoyance as his sinister smile only grew wider. "Go jump off the tower!" and I stormed off.

His scoff echoed throughout the corridor. How infuriating could someone possibly be?

My anger towards Malfoy slowly evaporated as I approached Dumbledore's office. I had to report everything to him from last night and have my final meeting before the end of the year. I groaned in dread. These certainly have not been a highlight from this year. To start with, Occlumency was torturous to say the least, I could still feel lingering headaches when I concentrated too much, but then Dumbledore decided it would be a good idea to use defensive and attacking spells. Stunning, disarming, shielding, binding, jinxes. I could almost call myself Dumbledore's successful fighting machine. I laughed at the thought, yes, this is what I am now, a means to an end.

"Sherbet lemon," I whispered as I stood in front of the sandstone griffin. The wings of the griffin stretched outwards, and the statue spiralled upwards, revealing the staircase that I stepped on, carrying me towards Dumbledore's office. I hope he was alone, it would be awkward to find McGonagall there, or worse, Snape. I knocked on the door in two hard raps.

"Come in."

I pushed open the heavy doors and walked inside Dumbledore's pristine office.

"You have something to tell me, Katerina?"

"Yes sir," I said nervously. "I talked to Pettigrew and made a bargain with him. He will help me become a death eater in exchange for Voldemort's whereabouts."

"Good," Dumbledore said. "Very good. Now, I also have something to tell you."

He stood up from his desk and walked in front of it. "As you know, the school year is ending tomorrow, so, I want you to go back to your apartment. The Ministry does not know where you live, they don't know anything about you. Use that to your advantage."

"I'm sorry professor, I don't understand."

"Katerina, you do not have the Trace on you. Due to your unusual circumstances, the Ministry was unable to put the trace on you. You can perform magic any time without facing the same consequences students your age would have."

"I see," I said, nodding. "You think Voldemort is going to try and contact me soon?"

"Precisely. You need to be prepared."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon