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We are now entering fourth year!

Today I have done nothing. I have done two months worth of absolutely nothing. Apart from occasionally hanging out with Hermione and Ron, there has just been a whole lot of nothing in my life. No message from Dumbledore. No message from Pettigrew. I have been lazing about my apartment, watching television and buying as many books as humanly possible. I can't even go drinking because I am technically physically underage.

A light tapping noise diverted my attention towards the window. Delphi, clutching a letter in her beak, screeched in frustration as I jumped up to let her in. She dropped the letter on the table and brushed her long brown feathers with her curved beak while I quickly plucked two treats from a bag to appease her anger.

"Alright, you can have an extra treat," I said as I opened my palm to reveal her most favourite snacks. She glanced between me and the food in front of her, debating if she should forgive me so quickly. Delphi must have yielded to the temptation as she nibbled on the treats in my palm. I smiled at her as I stroked her feathers with my other hand.

The letter addressed to me was none other than my list of school supplies for the year. I scanned the list quickly and noticed that I would have to purchase a formal gown. How strange, what kind of event would Hogwarts even be hosting.

"I'll think about it tomorrow," I told myself as I threw the letter to the floor and walked longingly towards my bed. As my eyes fluttered shut, ensnared by sleep, I was transported to a creaking house that was filled by hissing and sharp angry whispers. An old man was peering inside the room to get a better look at the two figures shrouded in black who were conversing with a disfigured, skeletal child in the chair. All of a sudden a flash of green light obscured my vision, and the last I saw was the old man being feasted upon by a monstrous green snake.


Diagon Alley was full of life. I was welcomed by bustling streets with wizards and witches in cloaks, children laughing as they chased each other around vendors and the distinct smell of candy that wafted from the store next to me.

I wandered into Flourish and Blotts first to find all the textbooks I needed this year. I was enveloped by the smell of old parchment and burning candles, beckoning me towards the shelves lined with books and tables piled with manuscripts. It was easy to find the books I required, plucking them off the shelf one by one and holding them in the crook of my arm as I sauntered towards the dark arts section. Each title seemed as fascinating as the next. I ran my finger along the spines of the books, "Blood and bones: Creatures of the Night", "Tales of the Wicked", "TEXTBOOK FOR YEAR 4".

"I thought I'd have at least another week before seeing you," said a cold smooth voice behind me.

I turned around to find Malfoy with a coy smile, his tall frame leaning against the bookshelves. He was still the same clean-cut arrogant leech except his jawline became more defined and his eyes glowed with a darker intensity.

"I could say the same thing about you, Malfoy," I responded, almost spitting out his name. "I would have preferred if you ignored me."

"We can't all get what we want, Aydin," Draco said, a smirk tugging at his mouth as my mind flashed to when I said those exact words to him.

"Draco," called a sweet voice, laced with command. "Who are you talking to?"

Panic etched onto my face as I saw a tall woman, her dark hair with a white streak running down the middle rested on her shoulder, came into view. Her face was stern and her presence demanded respect. Narcissa Malfoy was a powerful figure, and she knew how to use it to her advantage. She did not give Draco a chance to respond as her gaze shifted to me. "And you are?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now