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My wand remained firmly wedged between Pettigrew's shoulder blades as I slowly led him out of the Shrieking Shack. Hermione and Harry trailed after holding Ron as he slowly limped behind, breathing heavily. It seemed almost a relief once we saw the rays of light that shone from the full moon.

But that moment was short lived once the realisation sunk in.

A full moon, tinged almost yellow as it peaked behind the curtain of grey clouds encircling it, tested the patience of the werewolf our company.

"HARRY!" Hermione screamed, her eyes widened in horror. "Professor Lupin never took his potion tonight."

Lupin crouched in agony as his limbs lengthened, his eyes burning a predatory yellow and long fangs grew from his jaw. All his human features disappeared, replaced by onyx black hair that covered his body, snarling and thrashing as sharp claws grew from his paws. He released a howl, angling his body to the full moon, a servant following the call of its master. Then he finally turned to his prey, hunger gleaming in his eyes.

Sirius automatically sprang into action, rushing from his spot beside Harry to morph into his animagus form, growling at the large predator before him as he protectively stood in front of us. He leapt into the air and clamped his jaw around the neck of the lycanthrope pulling it downward in an attempt to get it away from us. Distracted by the fight and snapping of jaws, I stepped away from Pettigrew, providing him the opportunity to free himself, with Hermione yanking my arm towards her. 

Pettigrew turned to face us after having picked up Lupin's wand, a sinister look in his eyes, preparing to cast a spell but not before Harry quickly disarmed him. Pettigrew smiled gleefully as he began to transform back into his animagus form, disappearing under the heap of clothes and scurrying away.

Harry and I lurched forward in a desperate attempt to chase after Pettigrew, but fortunately for me, Snape, who had only just awoken, managed to stop Harry from continuing, allowing me to run after Pettigrew by myself. I heard the desperate cries and screams from my friends but my focus remained on finding Pettigrew.

Branches of leaves and long blades of grass slapped my legs and face as I ran deeper into the forest. With only the light of the moon to guide me, I saw a tall silhouette ahead and assumed it was Pettigrew. It wasn't until I saw the glint of talons and bulging yellow eyes that I realised, I couldn't be more wrong. I slowly backed away, careful not to make any sudden movements or noise, but it seemed fate had other plans. 

The snapping of the twig underneath my foot resounded throughout the deathly silent forest and the werewolf's gaze turned fixated on me. Saliva mixed with trails of blood dripped out of open jaws, its jagged teeth stained red. 

The predator had located its prey.

Without a second thought, I turned and ran. I could hear loud panting and the snapping of jaws behind me, getting louder and closer with each step I took as I weaved in and out of the trees. A desperate attempt to lose the werewolf. I ducked under branches and leapt over fallen logs, the heavy pounding of my heart drowning out the sounds of the wolf's paws hitting the ground with each bound.

A howl resonated throughout the forest.... It was sort of human-like.

And then it went quiet.

I turned around and the werewolf was gone. Taking the bait of Hermione's howl, the werewolf bolted towards the direction of the sound, a loyal servant answering the call of its own kind. It was then I realised that I was truly alone in the dark forest. There was only a light gust of wind that shook the leaves. Not even that hooting of an owl or the screeching of a bat, just a stillness.

A chill ran down my spine. I was being watched. The rustling of bushes behind me only confirmed my suspicion as Pettigrew emerged from the shadows. He was less fearful than in the Shrieking Shack, more confident, no longer hunched, whimpering and cowering behind his gnarled hands. He thought I was vulnerable alone, that I was weak.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now