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In order to keep any arguments from breaking out I worked with Ron on the Puffapod in Herbology. It was futile to try and reason with him about Crookshanks and I did agree with Hermione in the fact that it was essentially genetically wired to hunt rats. Cats were natural predators no matter how domesticated they were. But Ron was adamant.

While waiting outside for Transfiguration, the ongoing chattering of students waiting outside was silenced by the muffled sobs of Lavender.

"What's the matter, Lavender?" I asked anxiously as I approached her and Pavarti.

"She got a letter from home this morning," Parvati whispered. "It's her rabbit, Binky. He's been killed by a fox."

"Oh," Hermione said. "I'm sorry, Lavender."

"I should've known!" said Lavender tragically, "Today is the sixteenth of October! Professor Trelawney was right, remember, "That thing you're dreading, it will happen on the sixteenth of October.""

The whole class listened to Lavender's muffled cries as they gathered round her. Hermione hesitated before saying, "You – you were dreading Binky being killed by a fox?"

She had a point actually. I knew that Hermione never really believed in anything Professor Trelawney said, and with good reason, she was an utter nutjob. "Well, not by a fox, but I was obviously dreading him dying, wasn't I?" said Lavender who looked up at Hermione with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh," said Hermione, before cautiously phrasing the question, "Was Binky an old rabbit?"

"N-no! He was only a baby!"

Parvati began patting Lavender's back as she wiped the tears from her face.

"But then, why would you dread him dying?" said Hermione. Bad timing Hermione, but good point. It was more of 'I don't want him to die' rather than a 'dread', like it would inevitably happen soon, so her argument does make sense. However, no one saw it that way as Pavarti glared at her.

"Don't mind Hermione, Lavender. She doesn't think about other people's pets very much," said Ron loudly.

"RON!" I screamed, noticing the wave of despair that took hold of Hermione. I couldn't believe he would say something like that. Normally, their arguments and taunts were more private, but to blatantly insult her in front of everybody like that was just cruel. I wanted to punch him so bad right now.

Thankfully for Ron's balls and my school record, Professor McGonagall opened the door and conducted the lesson, with Harry and I sitting in between Hermione and Ron who didn't even make eye contact with each other throughout the entire class. The tension was so heavy, I was suffocating.

As the lesson ended, Professor McGonagall was talking about the upcoming Hogsmeade trip. Oh yes, I had my permission slip in my bag, that was signed. 

By me. 

I mean, I was technically still 21 when I died, so..... But obviously I didn't take any chances so I just forged my mother's signature, I mean how is anyone going to know? Who are they going to ask, my parents? Heck, my parents don't even know I exist. Only Dumbledore will know the truth, but it's not like he will care, I am just a means to an end.

"Ask her now," Ron hissed at Harry.

"Harry, she is going to decline you no matter what you say. Just forge your aunt or uncle's signature, they won't know." I whispered to Harry.

"Uhh, I don't know my uncle's signature," said Harry.

"Just make it up then!" I replied.

"But I can't. They will know!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora