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The holidays ended as soon as they began. I gazed outside the window, watching the Whomping Willow flick snow across the white sheets layering the ground, shivering in the crisp cold air. 

Harry and Ron were still annoyed at Hermione and although Harry could somewhat see things from Hermione's perspective, he was content to remain frustrated. Wood was equally annoyed when he found out that Harry's Firebolt was confiscated and went to McGonagall, to try, and I quote "make her see reason".

Harry was about to start his lessons with Professor Lupin and mine with Dumbledore were going to resume. I pray that we were not doing Occlumency anymore, it hurt my head, but since this was the first thing I was taught, I doubted he was going to settle for anything less than perfect.

The library was my happy place. I brushed my fingertips along the leather bound books lining the shelves, scanning for the one I desired. Ah, finally! I plucked the thick heavy textbook from the shelf and brought it back to my table, dropping it with a loud thud, aggressively flicking through the pages of the book.

I copied down notes into my personal notebook as I began my arithmancy homework again. There was so much of it, I wanted to drown in my tears of regret. In all my years of studying, never have I struggled to do algebra.

"Interesting." said a bored voice behind me, followed by a scoff. "You do realise that you're doing it wrong."

Turning my head around I saw a very smug smile plastered onto a face curtained with platinum blonde hair, leaning against the desk. His body hovered over mine and his hand was positioned next to my papers. He was close, too close. My traitorous heart beat started to speed up.

"I am aware of that," I lied through gritted teeth. As if I would ever give Malfoy the satisfaction of correcting me.

"Liar." He smiled with a sinister gleam in his eye knowing that he was right. I hated the git so much it took every ounce of self control to not strangle him. His ashen grey eyes scanned my face and darted to the base of my neck. "Interesting."

"You already said that."

"Am I not allowed to say it again?" he said with a bemused look on his face.

Turning back around to my work and seething in anger. "Why don't you bother someone else?"

"Why don't you find 𝑥?" he countered, nodding his head to my homework that lay on the table. Luckily for his face, he stepped back before I could take a swing at him and chuckled at my feeble attempt.

Unexpectedly, he walked round to the other side of the table, kicking the chair out from under it and sat down, or perhaps it would be better described as 'roguishly lounging'.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a tone of bitterness lacing my voice.

"Reading," he responded, not looking up from his book that was resting on his crossed legs. A perfect scene of tranquility.

I rolled my eyes, he obviously was not going to move and my pride would not allow me to find a different seat.

It became harder and harder to concentrate on my homework as the minutes ticked by. I thought that maybe after half an hour he would have gotten bored and walked away, but no, he was still sitting opposite me, in that same position, reading the same book. 

Lost in thought, my eyes scanned his face and arrogant posture. His smoky grey eyes were completely focused on the page he was reading and his blonde hair was messier than usual as it framed his pointed face. His long slender fingers were adorned with rings that reflected the rays of light emitting from the lamp next to him as two fingers rested on his temple, holding up his head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now