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The train ride was dull after the incident. Harry's eyes fluttered open a couple of minutes after the dementors left. The train screeched as it stopped in front of Hogsmeade station and chattering students poured out of the open doors with first years in complete awe of the castle perched on the edge of a cliff, looking out to the lake surrounding the castle. Hermione, Harry and Ron waved me off as I walked towards Hagrid.

"Ah, yer' Katerina Aydin. Dumbledore tol' me abou' you. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts." and he flashed a bright, cheery smile, "Call me Hagrid, everyone does."

"Hello, Hagrid."

"Righ' gotta take care of the first years, don't wan' them getting los' or anything."

"This way Katerina," called Hermione as she hooked her arm through mine and led me to a carriage where Ron and Harry were already seated. As we sat down, Ron sighed, looking a little smug when he said, "I love these self pulling carriages, no need to drive, only relax."

"Yeah, because you know all about driving, Ron," chuckled Harry.

I laughed along with them, although Ron did hit Harry claiming that they promised to never speak about it again.

We walked into the Great Hall where tables of students in their house groups already sat, laughter and chattering filling the room as everyone huddled and mingled together. As I looked up towards the ceiling of the Great Hall, thousands of burning candles floated midair, replicating the night sky that was veiled in smoky grey clouds. I couldn't help but think about Hermione talking about how it was bewitched by the night sky and the corners of my mouth tugged into a smile. I slowly unhooked my arm from Hermione's just as she was about to sit at the Gryffindor table, turning to look up at me, she asked, "What's wrong?"

I suddenly became very nervous and explained, "Well, considering I haven't been sorted yet, I don't think it's right for me to sit here."

"It's fine Katerina," yelled Ron. "You can't get in trouble on your first day. Only Fred and George have that talent."

Staring at the pleading looks of Hermione, Harry and Ron, I relented and plopped myself down next to Hermione. As soon as I did, the doors of the Great Hall opened and wide eyed first years filed inside, their excited eyes darting between the hundreds of students already seated, the teachers imposing presence at the end of the hall, the pale ghosts floating through tables and the ceiling's imitation of the night sky.

"Now when I call your name, I will place the hat on your head and you will be sorted into your house." McGonagall said. "Alexandra Beuton!"

The young girl nervously walked towards the stool, the curls of blonde hair bobbing as she sat down and shivered when the hat was placed on her head.


Everyone politely clapped but the cheers were most loud from Ravenclaw as the girl smiled and skipped down to the table. This was the same reaction for all first years as they were all sorted accordingly until the last one hurried off to their Hufflepuff table.

"Now, I would also like to invite one more person who has yet to be sorted. Katerina Aydin, please come forward."

I could hear the whispering of students as I rose from my seat and walked towards the Sorting Hat hopefully bearing the mask of confidence. I turned to face the curious gazes of students and sat down as I felt the hat being placed on my head. My eyes swept over everyone who was watching me, their stares intensifying at the stillness of the hat and I did not miss the arrogant smirk Draco Malfoy made, one I dare reciprocate with so many people observing me.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now