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"Harry!" I yelled.

"What?" he looked at me, a flash of annoyance on his expression.

"I know you are going to sneak into Hogsmeade today, and I don't think it's a good idea."

"I'll be fine."

"Yeah, sure," I said, rolling my eyes. "You would be fine, if Sirius Black didn't try to murder Ron yesterday! You are putting yourself in danger."

"Since when have I not done that?" asked Harry.

I scoffed. "You are too cocky for your own good, you know that? Don't let this 'chosen one' bullshit get to your head."

"Don't worry! I will be underneath the invisibility cloak, no one will see me."

Pfft, only Malfoy and his gang will.

Harry looked at me with pleading eyes and constantly muttered reassurances, waving off my concern. So, once again I am forced to protect Harry from getting into trouble. Before he walked away, I grabbed his arm and sighed, "Just promise me you won't do anything stupid. Stick to Ron, I will join you later, alright?"

"Going on your date with Cedric, hmm?" he teased.

"It's not a date." I growled.


Excited chatter echoed throughout the trail as the grass crunched beneath our boots, a frosty glaze blanketing the ground. Bundled in a scarf and coat, I meandered lazily between the maze of trees that peppered the path, leaning against the fence that encircled Hogsmeade. I did not wait for long when I saw the tall, lean figure of Cedric, nose in a book, brushing past people and weaving in between the trees that lined the road.

His eyes were intensely focused on the book and I giggled as he had to dodge both people and trees but my smile slowly fell as I realised he was about to collide into the tree in front of him. I sprinted to him and placed my hand right on his forehead just before he was about to smack into the tree. His eyes opened wide in pure shock and after meeting my gaze he smiled and his shoulders sagged in relaxation.

"Wow, you almost cracked your skull," I said as I dropped my hand back down to my side.

A red tinge blossomed across his cheeks and he ran his hand through his silky chocolate brown hair. "Thanks."

"I was protecting the tree," I corrected, crossing my arms over my chest and he laughed. "Let's go to the Three Broomsticks then, shall we?"

"Lead the way," he replied, snapping the book shut.

The crunch of snow filled the void of silence as we walked towards the pub, his arms hanging lazily by his sides. "What book were you reading?" I inquired.

"Oh, just a textbook on herbology. With OWLs coming up, I should study more."

"I admire your diligence," I replied, holding a thumbs up.

He laughed and said, "Just you wait, you will probably study much more than me. So much so that you will almost hit a tree."

"Pfft. Despite finishing my homework early, I tend to leave studying to the last minute."

"But you still get everything correct?"

I stopped and looked at him, my cheeks warming. He turned around and walked forward, leaning over to meet my height. "We like to gossip about people in Hufflepuff."

"So you decided to gossip about me?" I questioned, a smile playing on my lips.

It was his turn to blush as he bit his lip and avoided my gaze. "No one ever warned me about your sarcastic side."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now