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It was the day before the Yule Ball and everyone was abuzz with excitement in the Great Hall, and today was also our final chance to visit Hogsmeade. Hermione and I made the perfect plan of getting our hair and beauty products first before we started gift shopping, that way nothing would be sold out.

Bundled in our jackets, scarves and gloves, Hermione and I walked arm-in-arm toward Dogweed and Deathcap for our products. Racks of potions lined each shelf, some that were interesting in name and probably totally useless and finally we reached the section that had what we needed.

I picked up a bottle with the label that read, "Curl-Taming Lotion," and handed it to Hermione, "I think you might need this."

She held the bottle and stared at the instructions and ingredients on the back. "This should do the trick, but I think I am going to need more than one bottle."

I laughed. "How about 3 then just in case?"

With three bottles of lotion in hand and some other hair creams Hermione waddled off to the counter to pay for her items and we left soon after.

The bell of Miss Pollyharker's Jewellery Shop chimed as Hermione and I walked in. Hermione wanted a cute necklace to match her dress so she dragged me here. I left her to survey the racks of shimmering bracelets and glittering rings, stopping only at the drawers of sparkling and dainty hair clips and pins. Adorned with flowers, stars and glittering jewels, each one looked handcrafted and unique. Yet, one in particular with pearls and short dangling crystals caught my attention. I couldn't help but think how pretty it would look with my dress.

"Aydin," I heard a voice growl from behind me.

I quickly set the pin down before turning around to come face to face with Malfoy. "Malfoy, what are you doing here?"

"Just browsing," he said nonchalantly as his gaze drifted from me to the shelves of hanging necklaces.

"For what?" I enquired further.

He looked at me again, before brushing past me. "None of your business."

I was about to respond when I heard Hermione. "Kat, I have everything, let's go."

"Perfect," I said, ignoring Malfoy's existence and forgetting about the hair clip completely. "Let's go then."

Hermione linked her arm with mine and we exited the store. "What was Malfoy doing there?"

I sighed. "Honestly I have no idea."

"Weird," she said.

"Very," I agreed and then unlinked arms as I turned to face her. "Let's go buy our Christmas gifts and meet back here in an hour."

She nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds perfect."

It wasn't difficult finding presents for Ron and Harry, not only did I give them both delicious treats from Honeydukes but I found Ron a self-inking quill and Harry I bought a small model of a Hungarian Horntail that flapped its wings and spitted small jets of fire. Finding a gift for Hermione was a little more difficult this year but from Tomes and Scrolls I managed to procure the book she had been wanting for ages hidden in the back of the shop's dustiest shelf, "The Perception of Muggles Throughout the Ages". A detailed history of the wizarding perspectives on Muggles, a book I have no idea why she wanted, but nonetheless I found it.

I wanted to give something special to Cedric this year and while I meandered through the street covered in a layer of white snow, I stopped at the bustling store of Spintwitches' Sporting Needs where I found a set of self-warming dragonhide leather gloves. Cedric always did complain about his hands getting cold during Quidditch so I found the perfect solution for him when Quidditch started again next year.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now