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Dark clouds loomed over the Quidditch pitch with the threat to spill a torrential downpour on the sea of students waiting eagerly in the stands. The tips of our fingers were numb as we pushed against the surging and unrelenting wind, my hair whipped at my face and my scarf threatening to unravel itself from around my neck.

And that's when the rain began.

Screams echoed throughout the stands as we scrambled to shrug on raincoats and open up umbrellas for protection against the pouring rain. I knew it would be too risky to bring an umbrella, so I opted for a bright red raincoat in support of Gryffindor.

How anyone was supposed to play like this, I had no idea. But all I can say is, this will definitely be a first Quidditch match to remember. I looked around the stands and saw Dumbledore with all the other teachers, good he can save Harry.

"Wait, Hermione, how will Harry be able to see in this weather?" I asked Hermione.

"You're right.... The match hasn't started yet, but quickly run down to the locker room and use the spell 'Impervius'. That should work." Hermione replied

"Thanks, Mione."

I ran down the steps and towards the locker room. The Gryffindor team was just about to step out before I shouted, "Wait!"

They turned to me and, not wasting any time, I said, "Harry, give me your glasses, quick!"

Harry looked confused and a bit unsure, as he handed me his circular glasses and I pointed my wand at the lens and said, "Impervius!"

"There, now they will repel water, so you can see better. Good luck."

Harry beamed with excitement and thanked me and Wood looked just as excited when he said, "Brilliant!"

I walked back to Hermione and Ron, happy with my success but as I turned to have a final look at the Gryffindor team, instead of catching Harry's eye, I met the stare of Cedric Diggory who offered a kind smile, one that I returned. My eyes trailed down his soaked uniform, noting the way it clung to his toned and muscular body. Bloody hell, and I instantly turned back to the stairs that I would have to jog up for the second time. My cheeks began to go bright red and suddenly, it didn't feel that cold anymore.

"Did you do it?" asked Hermione.

"Huh, what?" I replied, thoughts still on Cedric as I replayed the trickle of rain that ran down his angular jawline for probably the tenth time.

"Did you use the spell?"

"Oh yeah, I definitely did that."

"What are you thinking about Kat?" asked Ron, who noticed my awkwardness.

"Nothing. Oh look, the match is about to start."

Both teams walked on the pitch, some players looked ready to topple over in this ferocious wind, especially Harry. To make matters worse, lightning cleaved the sky apart followed by the clap of thunder, drowning out the cheers of the crowd.

The captains shook hands and Madame Hooch blew the whistle where all the Quidditch players instantly took off and soared into the air. I quickly lost sight of Harry as I tried to follow the movements of the Quaffle, watching it being passed back and forth between Gryffindor players, and eventually sailing through the hoop. Even in this weather, I could feel the excitement pulsing through the crowd as their screams tried to overwhelm the booming thunder.

When Harry was caught in my line of sight again, I saw as he tarried in the air for a moment, distracted by something in the stands. What was he staring at? His hands slipped on the broom handle and he dropped a few feet, shaking his head. Instantly, he became focused on the game as he bolted towards Cedric Diggory, who was in fact chasing the desired golden ball of misery that zipped through the pitch. I could see Harry's panic intensify as he pushed his broom to go faster, slowly gaining on Cedric. Harry tilted his broom up to follow Cedric and the snitch into the sky, where he was swallowed by the clouds and vanished out of sight.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now