Chapter 5 - Toto, Hangovers and Phone Call Flashbacks

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'Good morning, girls' A voice rips through my ears. With aching effort, I open my eyes and sit up straight on the bed to acknowledge the greeting voice.

My eyes fix on Toto, who is standing in the middle of Mila's room holding a tray. Toto laughs loudly at my mangled appearance- causing my head to pound even more. 'You know I love you, Marley. But you look like shit', he reminds me.

I look at myself in the mirror by Mila's bed; I'm wearing a t-shirt I don't recognise, my hair has what seems to be leaves in it and my lashes are hanging on for dear life.

'Oh dear', I sigh, 'Seems I do'.

Toto places down the tray on the desk, 'I've bought you paracetamol, water and some grapes and strawberries', he says proudly.

The mention of food makes my stomach turn, I wretch a little but cover it up with a cough so to not hurt his feelings.

'You don't have to eat yet, but you need to take the medicine', he looks over to Mila, who is lying on top of the sheets in her pajamas, hair in a messy bun.

'She looks great', I laugh at how she managed to compose herself after she got home. 'I look god-awful'.

Toto takes a leaving stance in the doorway, 'Less of it. Take the meds, then have a shower but use the one in my room because Mila's needs to have hers looked at. I'll see you downstairs when you're ready.

'Thank you', I smile, picking out dry leaves from my hair, 'Wait, Toto?'

He turns, smiling, 'What's up, Sweetheart?'

'Do you know when or how we got home last night. And possibly why I'm wearing a shirt that's far too big for me?'

'You want the truth or the truth truth?' He walks back into the room, seating himself in Mila's desk chair.

'The truth truth please. But spare the details'.

'As you wish. Charles bought you home. He and Mila bought you inside', he begins, my jaw dropping with shame. 'Want me to go on?'

I nod affirmitively.

'Charles put you into bed', Toto shakes his head, entertained with the story he's telling, 'And the reason for the shirt is that you apparently got into a shot game with, who was it, Lewis, Lando, Carlos and Alonso? You won, had too many then spilled them on yourself when you found out you won. Charles took you upstairs and gave you one of Lewis' shirts'.

I bury my head in my hands with shame. 'Toto, I'm so sorry. I wasn't sick here was I? Did I break anything?'

'No, Sweetheart. Nothing that can't be cleaned. I'm happy you had a good night. At least you broke the ice with Carlos and some others'.

'Thank you for letting me come back here. You know how it is with me, can't get much freedom most of the time', I apologise, then I remember Charles, sinking back into the sheets, 'Oh my God. I've definitely ruined everything with him', I whine.

'In fact, no you haven't', Toto starts, immediately aware of who I'm talking about, 'You should know I spoke to Charles casually in the car yesterday',

'I heard', I interrupt, jokingly unimpressed.

'And that was fine. Then after he put you in bed last night, he came down to me and told me to tell you to call him when you wake up. He's got a big day today and tomorrow'.

I feel my face warm at Toto's message. My heart races like how it did when Charles and I kissed for the first time on the balcony only a few hours ago.

'One last thing before I make breakfast', he turns to me, 'You genuinely like him, don't you, Marley?' Toto asks me, head tilted.

I sigh, 'I think I might genuinely do, Toto. We definitely had a connection last night but I'll need to see if that was the drink doing the talking for us'.

'But from what Mila told me early this morning, you felt the connection in Charles' car, too?' he adds, edging towards the door once again.

'Possibly', I tell him humbly, 'Have a good breakfast, Toto. I'll take the tablets now and I'll make sure Mila does when she wakes up'.

'Wait until she's vomited, remember? She does it everytime she has a hangover'.

'Right'. I smile kindly and he closes the door behind him.

I best get up so I can call Charles.


The next three hours consisted of showering, detangling my hair, sat by the toilet and eating some food downstairs with Toto. He's actually a great chef and an even better conversationalist so all was well.

Mila is still asleep so now is the best time to call Charles with no interruptions. I pace around the room whilst plucking up the nerve to click the call button.

'Three, two, one, call', I whisper shakily.

Charles answers on the third ring. 'Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. How are you feeling?'

I ignore his greetings, 'Charles, I'm so sorry about last night. It was foolish to get in such a state and make you bring me home. How were you even sober enough to drive?'

'I can handle myself well, Marley. Don't worry about me. Tell me, then. How many times were you sick'.

'Twice', I admit shyly.

'I have practice with Carlos today. Come and watch. I'll call Toto and he'll drop you over here. Only about forty five minutes away from you'.

'How are you not entirely put off by me, Leclerc?'

'Beacause I entirely fell for you last night, Wickens', I hear Carlos in the background of the call, 'Carlos says 'hi', I have to go now, Princess. Thank you for calling me and I'll see you in forty five minutes. Calling Wolff now'.

'Wait, Charles', the hang up ringtone sounds into my ear. Within seconds, I hear Toto speaking to somebody on the phone downstairs.


'Marley?' Toto shouts to me.


'You have five minutes, do your makeup and girly things then let's go'.

'Okay', I say, doing a little jump over to Mila's closet.

'Oh, and Marley?'


'Look on my bed, there's something for you to wear'.

'Okay, thank you!'

I run and dance through to Toto's bedroom and see a Ferrari polo shirt lay out on the bed, it looks a little big for me but I wear it anyway with black leggings and red sneakers to match. Being in Toto's room reminded me to take his blazer I borrowed to the washing machine.

'You ready?' he asks me as he puts on his golf cap, slamming down a Ferrari cap onto my head jokingly.

'I'm ready', I laugh, 'Thank you'. I check out my shirt once more.

'Even when you were drunk last night you seemed fine returning my clothes so I'll let you keep what I just gave you today'.

'Even the shirt?' I look at myself in the mirror, looking surprisingly tanned.

'Even the shirt', he affirms, 'Now, let's go'.

'Why do you do so much for me? And what about Mila?'

'I love you like a daughter. And Mila will be fine I've left her a text message'.

I climb into Toto's car and we swiftly leave for the race track - his favourite song blaring out of the radio as the engine turns on.

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