Chapter 19 - Boats In The Middle Of Nowhere (Smut Warning)

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Playlist -
1 - Call Out My Name - The Weeknd
2 - I See Red - Everybody Loves An Outlaw

'You did so so amazing yesterday, Charles', I place my book down next to me and skip over to him, trailing innocent, soft kisses along his back and shoulders.

'And I give you the credit', my love, he tells me humbly, steering the boat gently.

We've taken a trip out on Charles' boat today seeming as though both of us are in desperate need of a break from the press. We've traveled out on the water all morning so there's a less than zero chance of any press, or even any person at all, catching us for a picture out here.

'It's so beautiful', Charles admires the sun and his hometown's surroundings. He turns to look at me quickly, 'You know, you shouldn't be so disheartened about getting fired yesterday'.

'I'm not really. We all knew they'd do it - clearly can't handle someone like me', I brush it off.

Stretching out in the sun, I lie back down on the nose of this beautiful white boat. I'm wearing a purple bikini which has proven to be the right color choice as it's complimenting my newly acquired tan since arriving in Monaco.

'Oh, God. Charles?' I stand again quickly, 'Did you put on sunscreen this morning?'

Charles' happy dance freezes in its tracks. 'Uh, no', he confesses guiltily.

'Fuck, Charles'. I exclaim, running inside to grab the lotion before he burns. Charles mocks my seriousness.

I complain about his forgetfulness as I smear lotion all over his body. He's only wearing navy shorts and black sunglasses, leaving every other body part entirely exposed to the heat.

I take my time with the massage to tease his body as payback for his foolishness, circling the cream deeply into his shoulders, on my tip-toes a little to reach the top of his body.

'You're a fool, Leclerc', I sigh, sort of feeling sorry for him, 'Look at you, you're already burning up here'. I squeeze the back of his neck like the mother of her puppy.

I hear him grunt as I work on teasing him more. I can't differentiate whether I am turning him on or winding him up - either would be enjoyable.

'Let me put some more on you', Charles pulls away, guiding me in front of the steering wheel as I take it in my hands to steady myself.

I gasp sharply as the cold lotion makes contact with my back. 'Christ, that was cold', I exclaim as he rubs the lotion into my skin. I flinch a little as his hands grip my waist tightly for a moment before continuing the circular motions into my body.

'Here', Charles whispers into my ear, tucking my hair behind my ear, 'Think we're both nice and protected now'.

'I think so', I whisper back to him, not letting down from my dominance.

'You know, anything can happen out here?' Charles hints, 'We're actually entirely alone, if you can't tell'. Charles points to the open seas over my shoulders and all around me. Oh, he's turned on.

'Monaco is so beautiful', I fall back into his body, feeling us stick together a little from the seeping in of the sunscreen.

'Isn't it just', Charles holds me, kissing the top of my head gracefully, 'This is the perfect picture right now'.

'Isn't it just?' I whisper, repeating back to him, closing my eyes.

'In fact', Charles begins, shuffling away from me and returning with his phone in hand, 'This is the perfect picture. Smile for me, beautiful'.

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