Chapter 14 - Before Monaco (Smut Warning)

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I wake up with the most warming feeling of contentment in my heart with the sun peaking through the blinds above our bed. Stretching my arms, I turn over expecting to latch onto Charles but to my amusement, a white sealed envelope lies in his place. I feel a sudden sadness by the lack of his presence but move on with my excitable mindset.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I sit up to find a bouquet of colorful tulips in a vase next to our bed. I stroke the leaf of a pink flower to show my thanks to Mother Earth and Charles Leclerc for producing such beautiful life. I open the letter and whisper the words quietly...

'My dear Marley,

I left early this morning for some practice ready for Monaco. I was going to wake you but you look like an angel when you sleep. Breakfast is downstairs'.

I sigh aloud, clutching the letter to my chest and lying back down on my back, feeling truly appreciated for the first time in a long while. I feel blessed today.

Pondering which article to tackle first, I dress into one of Charles' white button up shirts and skip downstairs to discover what he's left out for me.

On my way to the kitchen, I glance at the clock which reads '11:16am'. I'm surprised by this as I can never usually sleep past 9am - clearly my first intimate night with Charles stole all of my energy from me.

I find another envelope which is placed delicately on the kitchen island next to a single red rose and a plate covered with tin foil. I open the envelope before uncovering my breakfast, however I can smell sweet syrup in the air which probably hints towards pancakes.

'Good morning, Marley. I've made you some pancakes using Toto's recipe - he told me they've been your favorite since you were a child'.

Clapping my hands with joy, I uncover the plate to see a near to perfect stack of pancakes. I tear off the corner with impatience and find they're still warm. The syrup and bowl of cut up fruit are out on the counter too - which should have given it away earlier.

Today I eat in luxury after discovering Toto's text message to me; he took Charles to practice and Mila is at work until late this evening, which means I have the whole place to myself.

Mila works in a small supermarket in the village. Of course she doesn't have to work as Toto is a literal billionaire, but she enjoys the social aspect. The regulars are mostly old people and she enjoys helping and getting to know them in a genuine way. Everybody loves this about her.

I turn on the TV, close the blinds and select a movie- work can wait today. I choose to watch a classic, Natural Born Killers.

I begin to eat, tucking into perfectly cut fruits like mango, watermelon and coconut. I could really get used to this.


The temperature outside has become much warmer since I ate breakfast this morning. To cool down, I search through the freezer tray of frozen fruits and decide on a smoothie to snack on. I settle on strawberries and mangoes, throwing the frozen fruit cubes into the blender along with a splash of coconut milk and a handful of ice cubes.

I turn on the blender and all sound around me is drowned out, even the outro to the movie I'd been watching. Excited to cool down, I hum a song I do not recall the name of and dance along to the rhythm inside my head.

Startling me, the feeling of warm hands glide their way around my waist, swaying my body side to side sensually. I acknowledge Charles' touch in an instant. I moan as I settle into his body, he leaves a trail of wet kisses from my jawline to my collarbones.

'Morning, my darling', he whispers to me once the blender stops screeching.

'Good afternoon, Charles', I correct him and turn to face him, his hair looks scruffy from practice - a suggestion that he clearly showered then rushed home to me.

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