Chapter 12 - Making It Official (Romantic)

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A/N - Next chapter is in fact pure smut, so have some romance as a build up xo 

'I'm so happy we came out tonight', I begin, taking a sip of my drink and admiring the beautiful, dimly lit chandeliers scattered throughout the restaurant.

'Me too, I can't bear to listen to Mila singing anymore and I haven't even spent my first night yet', Charles agrees.

'Don't even start', I warn.

Charles is wearing a white button up shirt with white jeans tonight, and he smells amazing. I wish I could fully express the extent of my attraction to him, but in a restaurant that would be illegal. 'You look so good tonight', I whisper to him.

'Have you seen yourself?' He tells me loudly, outstretching his arms for emphasis.

I do look good tonight, I'm wearing a white body-con dress which plunges a little at the chest. I've paired it with dainty little accessories so it all ties together. We'd make a great-looking couple.

'What are you going to order for your main?' I change the subject, studying the choices on the menu, 'I'm thinking the pizza'.

Charles' jaw drops open, 'I bring you to the best Italian restaurant I could find near Toto's place and out of all the menu you choose the pizza?' He exclaims, sarcastically outraged.

I'm sorry', I giggle and defend myself, noticing we've attracted the attention of a few tables around us. 'Be quiet', I add.

'Oh well', he turns to the table beside us, 'I'm sorry about that. My girlfriend appears to be very uncultured.

'Girlfriend?' I question him, but before he could give me an answer, the waitress returns to our table asking for our food orders.

Charles pushes for me to go first and I ask for the pizza. He orders after me, asking for a pasta dish, his accent really coming through.

'Thank you. The food will be here soon. Is their anything else either of you will be needing tonight?', the waitress smiles to us.

'No, thank you', I smile back to her.

'Actually, come here', Charles signals for her to lean into him and he speaks in Italian to her. She laughs excitedly, glancing over at me before hurriedly obeying Charles.

'What was that about?' I ask, confused but not worried.

Charles places a delicate finger over his lips, signalling for me to be quiet.

After sitting in complete silence for around five minutes, a different waitress approaches our table with a scroll tied with red ribbon. Nodding at Charles for permission, she places it down in front of me. 'Enjoy', she looks at me with delight before nodding at Charles once more.

'I'd like you to read it, Marley'.

I pick up the scroll carefully, peeling away the red ribbon, 'What? Now?'

Charles nods with a proud certainty.

Taking a breath, I unravel the scroll...

It reads...

'My Darling Marley,

Things have moved so fast over the past month - and I've adored every moment of it. You're here with me tonight so I can celebrate and appreciate you. Ever since that awkward and quiet conversation you initiated in the car that Friday, my life has never been the same. You came into my life like a shooting star passing me by.

I have never lied to you, except from when Carlos and I were showing off the day at your house, and I intend on keeping that way. So I'll be honest when I say the night we shared our first drunken kiss on the balcony of Lewis' house was the best night of my life. I have never felt such a connection with anybody. And I had never felt so alive. We get each other. You're probably reading this as a nervous and blushing wreck but I'm falling for you, my love. And I have a strong suspicion you may feel the same.

I took you home that night, and I can say I have never wanted to protect anybody or care for anybody as much as you, Marley. The extent of my feelings cannot be written on paper. So I will show you...

Marley Wickens, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?'

I place the scroll down in front of me, wiping the tears from my eyes. Charles reaches out his hand to hold mine, 'I love you', he confesses, 'Please say yes'.

I laugh away my tears and nod with utter certainty. 'Yes, Charles. I'd love to be your girlfriend'. My heart pounds, becoming alive after he spoke those three words to me for the first time.

'I'm so happy', Charles whispers sweetly, studying my face with wholesome love.

'I couldn't tell you', I reciprocate.

Both waitresses place down our food gently, Charles thanks them for their help with their organization.

'Time for our first meal as a couple', he whispers to me, 'Although I am still rather disappointed that you ordered a pizza'.


'Welcome home, you're a lot later than I expected', Toto startles us by waiting by the door as we enter.

'Charles! Marley!' Mila shouts as she runs downstairs, hands and shirt covered in red paint.

'I see you've been painting our room, then', Charles laughs, hands in pockets casually.

'Yes, we both have', Toto chips in. 'Mila has agreed to sleep in the guest room tonight so you both have her room whilst the paint is drying', Toto tells us.

'That's okay', I smile, 'Thank you for that, Mila'.
Bursting with excitement, I look at Charles as the happiest lady alive and he gives me the nod to make the announcement. 'Toto, Mila. We both have something to tell you'.

Toto sucks air through his teeth as he takes another sip of his whiskey, 'I swear if you are pregnant I will not be happy'.

'Charles asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes'.

Mila's jaw drops and she jumps up and down. Thrilled, she runs over to give me a painty high five, remaining cautious of the wet paint on her clothing. I accept it but Charles backs away in fear of ruining his white outfit.

'I am so so pleased for you both'. Toto admits, hugging us both together drunkenly.

They both express their happiness to us as Charles shoots me the look. I nod slyly and announce, 'We've had a big and exciting night. You wouldn't mind if both of us went up to bed, would you?'

Mila sighs with joy, 'Not at all. I'll be painting for a while but I won't be needing my room so it's all yours'.

'Thank you so much', Charles speaks with deep gratitude.

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