Chapter 17 - The Press and The Paddock (Monaco)

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'You're going to be fine', Charles reassures me in private, sheltered from the public eye. This is only the second time I've seen him in his complete Ferrari racing uniform and it gives me butterflies.

Resulting in the hunger for him to weave its way back into my body, he unzips his suit so that the upper half of his suit rests at his waist in order to cool himself in the Monaco heat. 'Are you sure you're okay?' He looks at me, studying my face for a glimmer of an answer.

Composing myself, I look up to him innocently before realizing I had been biting my lip as he spoke to me.

We were flocked by paparazzi when we left the restaurant a few days ago. Luckily, all of us were prepared as we are in Monaco and Charles back here is a huge deal to the locals. In retrospect, having this happen definitely took away some nerves leading up to today - rumors of 'Charles having a new girlfriend' is already all over the press. I dare not open TikTok.

So pictures of me are all over online and I've had multiple calls from Dad; the voice messages asking innocently about how I'm finding Monaco and how proud he is of me for flying for the first time in years despite my anxieties. I left him with no response.

I haven't read any statements or comments about myself in fear that they will be negative; I don't want my first impression to affect my confidence in the paddock today.

'I feel fine, Charles. I'm so proud of how you've performed this weekend. Let's really pull it out of the bag in qualifying', I encourage him, trying hard to keep my composure in his anticipating presence. Today is far too important for me to distract him with my lust.

I'm wearing an all black outfit; a dainty backless dress which rests moderately past my knees, with black red-bottom heels and a Prada bag which Toto gifted me two days ago. I feel like this will be acceptable to female fans seeming as though I have become a WAG. I'd never have thought this would happen to me, ever.

'Let's do this', Charles kisses my forehead, followed by my lips. 'I'll see you soon. I love you'.

'I love you. Good luck', I kiss him once more, imagining my good luck passing onto him.

I lift my gaze to scan above me to see cameras clicking and flashing everywhere. At least my first proper interaction in public with Charles was a wholesome moment. I follow a member of Ferrari to where I'll be watching him race.

I calm my breathing as I see cameras on me at all angles no matter what I'm doing; although, I'd much rather this than angry neighbors smashing my windows. I remain aware of my posture throughout the day, wanting to make a good first appearance. God, I hope his fans like me.

Unexpectedly, I hear various people calling 'Marley!' as a demand to look at their camera. Damn, news really does spread fast in the F1 world.

I briefly spoke to Toto this morning but he is overwhelmingly busy preparing Mercedes for the race tomorrow. He seems set on hiring me as his journalist - this fills me with even more excitement than I am feeling right now.

I relax into my position and pray that Charles gets a good position for tomorrow.


Charles aces Q1 and Q2, with only very minor issues with the car. Carlos, George and Lewis are all still in.

Q3 begins and Max Verstappen is smashing it and I begin to worry. This may get messy.


Max Verstappen takes P1, Lewis Hamilton takes P2 and my love, Charles Leclerc takes P3. We cheer wildly at Ferrari to Charles' incredible performance. P3 at his home race! Carlos Sainz is in P6 and George is in P5.

I run to him as soon as I see him, 'You've done so amazing!' I display all my affections, dismissing the work of paparazzi everywhere. Charles looks beyond thrilled with his work, running to me faster than I ever could.

'I'm so pleased!' He laughs, waving to his co-workers as we speak, 'And this is all thanks to you! You're my inspiration- my lucky charm'.

'Oh, Charles. Your home race, too!' I kiss his sweaty face proudly.

He looks at me like he's king of the world, along with that loving look in his eye, 'I've got a lot to do until later so go get yourself some dinner with Mila. My card is on our bedside table, Marle. Go celebrate for me'.

'Thank you so much, my love. I couldn't be prouder', I hug him once more.

'I'm so proud of how you've been in the paddock - the camera guys seem to love you', Charles caresses my arm before leaning into my ear, 'I can't wait to come home to you later, baby' Charles whispers, giving the press something else to talk about.

I blush shyly and whisper back, 'I'll be on our bed waiting patiently, Leclerc'.

'Look what we've done', he gestures discreetly to the paparazzi around us, who are clicking cameras at us faster than they did the whole race.

'Good luck! I love you', we exchange one more kiss before parting ways again.

I make my way over to Mercedes to find Mila, I expect she's near Toto - he must be thrilled for his team, too. The heat is at its peak today which reminds me to reapply sunscreen as soon as we get back to the hotel room.

I run to Mila, who sets eyes on me first, 'Oh, Marley! He's done so well', she shouts over to me, hugging me tightly.

'It's incredible', I speak back, 'I can't believe it'.

I hear Lewis calling to us. He gives us both a quick hug, clearly exhausted. 'I'm sorry about that, Marley'.

'Lewis, you did incredible. Don't apologize for doing well!' I laugh with him. He nods and runs back to Toto who pulls both George and Lewis into an excited hug. The three of them wave over to us as we prepare ourselves to leave, appearing in the presence of fans and paparazzi once more.

'Dinner is on Charles. You coming with?' I announce to my best friend, adjusting my outfit before leaving the room.

'Of course. I'm so hungry'.

Mila and I link arms as we leave the race. 'This is exactly the life I want to be living'.

'Welcome to the world of Mila and Toto Wolff', she winks at me.

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