Chapter 26 - Toto's Home Race

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'You dare'. I hiss at Charles as his teasing fingertips work their way up to the top of my thigh, resting on top of my denim shorts.

'I dare', he retaliates, whispering into my ear, 'Nobody can see us, Marley'. He's right, we're way out of the way on this plane; in a little nook in the back corner. I hear the laughs of Toto, Mila, Lewis and George in front of me.

I kiss Charles roughly to distract his mission to take me on the plane - and although it may be a small  fantasy of mine, the unpredictable presence of Toto and my best friend ends the argument in my head. To my despair, Charles' fingertips continue to tease my thighs, toying with the frayed hems of my shorts. 'Not here, Charles'.

'I'm only playing', his fingers as well as his mouth pull away from me - his expression exaggeratedly sad, pouting with his arms crossed.

'I love you', I kiss his cheek to feed into his tantrum act.

Not long after, Lewis appears from around the corner and takes a seat opposite me, 'Hey'.

'Hey', I smile.

'Toto just told me you're doing your first journalism report in Austria this weekend, is that right?' He looks at me encouragingly.

'Yes, that's right. I'm very excited'.

'Don't worry, she'll ask you easy questions, Lew'. Charles chips in, a book covering his face from his attempted nap.

Lewis chuckles before directing his focus back onto me. 'You're gonna do great. It's not like we're all total strangers', he winks.

I chuckle and joke, 'Well, who knows what questions I can come up with. I'll be sure to really put you on the spot'.

He dusts his shoulder with sarcastic confidence, 'Oh, I can handle that. George on the other hand,' he gazes over his shoulder and lowers his tone, 'Make sure you put him on the spot real good. He blushes like crazy'.

'I'll note that down', I reciprocate the lowering of voices, 'You look really good by the way'. Lewis' outfits never miss. Today he's wearing green baggy cargo trousers with a tight white Mercedes shirt which hugs every muscle, the slight see through material shows off the tattoos which cover his body.

'Not too bad yourself', Lewis tells me as he adjusts his sunglasses on top of his head, 'Your fashion has really come along since meeting me'.

I laugh as Charles defends me, taking the credit for my apparent fashion improvement instead. Personally, I don't believe there have been many changes within my fashion, the only difference is that I am being treated well by many in my life right now - and the glow is beginning to show outwardly.

Maybe I should be more thankful for the disaster the neighbors caused back at my Dad's house. I'd probably have never moved out if it weren't for their mess.

'Plane landing in twenty minutes', Toto shouts from around the corner. We all thank him for informing us even though there are digital screens up in every corner which tell us where we are over the ocean with landing times.

'I best go back to him', Lewis slaps his knees before standing up. I tell him good luck dealing with George and he chuckles, walking away from me, cargo material crunching with each step.

*2 Days Later*

'This place is lovely, Toto', I tell him as we wait for our starters.

'My favourite place', he speaks approvingly, sipping his drink.

'I love the decorations in here. Everything is so colourful'. The decor inside this restaurant is unlike any other; all sorts of geometric patterns around us. Even in dimmed light, all hues pop from the walls, making the setting feel very welcoming. I can't seem to take my eyes away from a beautiful boat paining in our corner of the restaurant.

'Thank you for coming to dinner with me, Marley. Your proposal was perfect and I'm more than happy for you to do your thing at the race tomorrow'. Toto looks extremely smart, more than usual, probably because he's in his home country and wants to impress his fellow Austrians.

'It's no bother', I smile at him. Our time together tonight has felt just like how a healthy  father and daughter relationship would be. My soul feels lighter and healed in the presence of Toto. 

Even when Dad and I were on good terms and I spent weekends over at Mila's, Toto had always made me feel so happy and warm- or maybe this was the doing of his pancakes. And now I work for him which is perfect- an easy mix of authority and friendliness.

'I'm happy to see how far you've come over the past few months. It mustn't have been easy for you to go from no travel to non stop travel'.

'Damn right', I chuckle in agreement.

This restaurant is intimate but still rather large. Paintings on every wall. Unfortunately, the paparazzi are flocking around each exit - we found out the hard way on our way here. There is good security outside so we can eat in peace. Press have found out I now work for Toto Wolff which has started all sorts of queries among fans but all will be explained at the race on Sunday.

We talk about everything, leaving work conversations behind within the first half an hour. I bring up the situation about my dad as the next Grand Prix is in Britain, where he lives more than he does at the mansion in Spain- where it all started - so there's a chance he could show up to find us. Toto tells me his priority is me and will not be friends with him until he changes his ways. I warn him this may never happen and Toto indirectly agrees with me.

'That food was insane', I tell Toto, inspecting my dish for leftovers.

'It's the best place in town', Toto smiles as he savors the last mouthful of his dish.

I look outside the window to see groups of paparazzi. Luckily these windows are the ones where you can't see in but you can see out of. No pictures will be taken of us as long as we're in here.

'I don't think we're gonna fit out of the door at this point', Toto speaks to me, his accent blending in with all other conversation around us.

'Me neither'.

'Should we stay in here and go over to the bar?'

I chuckle, 'Toto, you know what happens when you give me a drink'.

He places his hands


'I'm exhausted', I sigh as I flop myself onto the bed of our hotel room. This is by far my favourite hotel room so far, but tonight the room spins.

'You will be', Charles rolls his eyes to me as he dries his hair off in the bathroom. I admire his body, only a towel wrapped around his waist. The light from the bathroom leaks into our darkened hotel room, making my silhouette reflect onto the wall. 'You are really drunk aren't you?'

I tell him yes, avoiding the nausea which comes with nodding my head.

'Do you feel sick? You look a little pale, Marle'.

I forget myself, shaking my head which I will regret after. The room shakes around me.

'Toto and I didn't want to leave. We had drinks'. I tell him, slurring my words.

'I know. I'm just glad Toto is only next door to us right now- otherwise I don't know how you would've got home', Charles walks over to me, helping me out of my dress and into the sheets beneath us.

'You're so amazing, Charles', I speak with drunken conviction.

'I know', he kisses my forehead.

'I think you're the most talented person I've ever met', I continue.

Charles doesn't respond as he climbs into bed next to me.

'I wanna have sex with you, baby', I tell him, running my flattened palm over the definitions of his bare chest.

'I love you, but I'm not having sex with you right now'.

'Why not?' I ask, watching him turn off the lamp on my side of the room, leaving us in complete darkness.

'Because you're drunk'.

'Don't you love me?' I latch onto him after finding my way onto his body in the dark.

'That's it, love', Charles answers, the vibrations of his voice rattling into my ears, 'Go to sleep'.

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