Chapter 10 - With All Due Respect, Sir (Angsty)

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Warnings - some anger and violent threats. 

'There was in inc(h)ident yesterday', Charles explains to Dad, who is still too confused to comprehend sitting down.

'There was', I confirm 'And the only people I could call for help were Charles and Carlos'.

'Okay', Dad mumbles and turns to lean against the counter with his back to us.

'Myself, the police officers and even Charles tried calling you', I defend us once more.

'We were here within fifteen minutes of it all starting, Sir', Carlos reassures him.

'Very good', Dad says, mood impossible to gauge.

'Dad. I could've been seriously hurt yesterday. They were like animals'. I feel my hands trembling and before I could hide them in my pockets, Charles takes them in his own, squeezing them supportively. 'I really think you should sit down, Dad'.

'I don't think I should listen to anything you have to say!' he shouts loudly, turning to look me in the face. Angrily, his eyes drop down to Charles holding my hands.

'With all due respect, Sir. I think you should listen to your daughter', Charles begins, 'Marley was traumatized from what happened in here yesterday and Carlos and I rightly stepped up to support her'.

'I didn't even know you knew her. I'm a terrible father'. 

Carlos shoots me a sympathetic look and whispers 'It's gonna be okay', whilst Charles and Dad talk.

Finally seeming defeated, Dad slumps himself into the dining chair.

I sit next to him. 'I understand this is a lot to take in. And I understand I should have maybe been more honest with who my friends are but it all came about so fast'.

'Since when? So which one are you with, then', Dad nods towards Charles dismissively, 'I assume it's Charles'. 

'I'm with neither of them right now. But Charles and I have something special and we're definitely going to pursue what we feel towards each other. It all began when I was at Mila's for a weekend - we went to a party'.

I feel deeply disheartened by the way Dad is handling things, he seems more interested in who I associate with rather than how I was nearly hurt, or worse, yesterday by the people he associates with.
I attempt effortlessly to explain everything but I am dismissed. Each time I reach out to comfort him, he throws my arm from him like a child.  It should be the other way around. He was never there for me when I needed him. 

I see Carlos becoming restless, clearly wanting to speak. 'You okay, Carlos?' I whisper as Dad buries his head in his elbows.

'If I may, Marley. We've tried everything. I don't think we're going to get anywhere'.

Dad stands up, pointing his finger at the boys, shaking with rage. 'If you boys aren't out of here in five minutes I'm calling the police'.

'Dad, no!' I scream, pushing myself in front of his warning fists.

Charles straightens his back with pride, scooting me behind him. 'You shouldn't speak that way, Sir'.

'Get the fuck out of my house, you racing twats!' Dad balls his fists once more.

I take a breath and shuffle to Carlos in the corner of the kitchen, 'Dad. I'm leaving. Carlos and Charles will wait in their car for me. Give me ten minutes to pack my stuff and I'll be gone'.

'Fine!' He screams, leaving out of the back door to inspect the chunks of coal on the grass.

Charles hugs me warmly, 'You tried, baby. You tried. Now go pack your things and Carlos will help you take your bags to the car'.

I nod, 'What are you doing?'

'I'm having a last talk to Stephen'.

I try and protest but Carlos drags me away towards the stairs.


'Bye, Dad', I announce as he stands by the front door, looking forlorn and lost. 'I don't know when I'll be home'.

'Where will you go?' he asks guiltily.

'Oh, you don't get to know that' I walk away, following Carlos to the car parked down the street.

'Goodbye, Stephen', Charles shoots him a stubborn glance.

'God, how did you tame him, Charles?' Carlos asks.

'I said a few words'.

I look at the boys as they lift my bags into the car, 'Where will I go now?'

'I'm gonna take you to Mila's. We'll speak to Mr Wolff together and come to some sort of an arrangement'. Charles begins, 'Until you can be with me'.

'Come to my place whenever you want, too', Carlos offers, 'And if you need to pick up more stuff from your house I'll take you and we'll sneak you in'.

It's insane how my reality has changed so much in less than a week. But I'm very much looking forward to what life has to offer next. It's going to get so much better than this. Toto was always more of a dad to me so I'm finally good, safe hands - Away from crazy Dad's and neighbors. 

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