Chapter 25 - Reconciliation and Waterfalls

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*Two days after the Canadian Grand Prix*

'Charles, I need you to put my mind to rest', I sigh softly, 'I've been worrying most of the night'.

Charles got home with Toto this morning. He showered, ate breakfast then came to greet me where I was practicing yoga in the back garden. I wasn't in the mood for loving until I'd said my piece.

'I promise you', Charles grasps my hands from our opposite-facing sun chairs, 'I have no idea why Rio was there. I am more than happy to show you proof of the list of names on the Paddock Passes'. Hearing him say her name for the first time is not something I want to hear again.

'I believe you', I force myself tell him, 'But why was she there when she knows you've moved on. Of course she only shows up at a race I don't attend'. I roll my eyes.

'I'll make sure it won't happen again'.

'Good', I feel like crying, 'My job starts at the next race. It's also Toto's home race so I really can't afford to miss it. I really can't afford drama, either'.

'We won't be missing Austria for the world, Marle'. Charles' slight frown turns into a smile, 'On the flight back here, Toto seemed so excited when he was talking about all the good which is coming up. He's even more thrilled about his decision to give you a job - more so than Austria'.

I nod and relax back into my chair, bathing in the heat of the sun. I release his hand almost coldly in manner. 'Yeah, he said'. I speak with a blunt tone, hiding my pounding heart at the returning thought of losing Charles. 'There's going to be a great afterparty at his home, too'.

'I am aware. I can tell you hate me right now but I promised you I'll make you Mrs Leclerc one day and that's true. I also promised you the day when Carlos and I came to save you from the crazy neighbors that I would never hurt you- and I will continue to stand by that'.

I feel my eyes well up with tears but Charles is oblivious to my emotions as my oversized sunglasses shield me from exposure. 'I know', I compose myself. 'I just don't know what she wants', and she was so god-damn beautiful.

'You have nothing to worry about, my love'.

I contemplate snapping back and asking him whether he felt anything when he saw her, or ask whether he loves her more than me. I contemplate asking why they broke up. I want to know everything about the relationship they had but I know I'll see everything I don't need to see. Today, I made the bad decision.

I stand and stretch exaggeratedly, careful not to knock off my hat or shades. 'I think I'm going to go inside to cool down', I announce, lying.

'Want me to come and chill with you?' Charles almost stands.

I shake my head, 'No no. I just want to shower and do a few girly things. You wouldn't want to be caught up in the middle of that'.

'Okay my love', he reaches out to brush my hand but I am already too far away. 'I'll be swimming if you need me'.

'That's what I thought', I mutter as I strut away from the poolside.


I type the words into the search engine on my laptop, unable to stop myself. The results load and I begin to scroll. I scroll and read through every article I could get my hands on - luckily I know how to differentiate the truth from false articles from my time studying journalism.

I fell down the media rabbit hole for at least two hours.

I made a section in my notes app on my phone to piece together their story. Turns out he fell in love with Rio first, they were together for three years but broke it off because she couldn't keep up with his lifestyle of going to races all the time.

I conclude that she could never let him go, instead keeping up with his life online and now she's beginning to act up because she's found out Charles has moved on - ending the fantasies in her head.

I hate to think it, but I agree with the strange stalker fan article that Rio is trying to 'claim back her past lover after she's replaced after three years'.

So, she's just an obsessive ex, can't be that big of a deal, right?

My mind feels rested but the adrenaline surges through my body. I know it needs to come out somehow or I'll end up going insane. I know the perfect person to call. Picking up my phone and deleting the notes I had made, I scroll my contacts for a friend and press the 'call' button.

The phone rings only twice before a happy sounding 'hello' greets me from the receiving end.

'Hi, Max', my reciprocating smile evident in my voice, 'Are you free right now?'

'I'm always free for my best friend', Max laughs, he sounds like he's near water.

'Ew', I mock him.

'So what's up, Marley?'

I quickly formulate my lie, 'I've just had a busy morning with work preparations, exercise and all. I need to let go of some of this adrenaline. Can you help?'

'Oh, Marley. You're off the market, you shouldn't be asking me these things', Max plays with an exaggerated flirty tone. 'Kidding. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes and I'll show you a spot. You at Toto's?'

'Yes I am. See you soon, idiot'. I hung up the phone. Max and I's phone calls have never once ended in an established 'goodbye'.

I run out to Charles in the garden and tell him I'm going out with Max for a few hours. He asks if everything is okay, I tell him everything is perfect, kiss him quickly, then go and wait by the window after having a shortened catch up with Toto whilst he works.


'It's really beautiful here, Max', I tell him as I take in the views of the waterfall he has brought me to.

'I know. I've been here all day'.

'I had no idea there were waterfalls so close to Toto's house'. I speak in awe.

'Now you know', Max watches the stream beneath us, 'So, what's really  up?'

'Nothing. I told you', I speak shyly, attempting to change the subject by pointing out the variety of fish swimming downstream. He looks at me, squinting his eyes with suspicion. 'Nothing, I'm serious, Max'.

'I can see something behind your eyes'.

I let go of my pride, 'Okay. I did something I shouldn't have and researched Rio'. I continue to explain everything, particularly her presence at the Grand Prix.

'I see', he speaks up, 'Well, everybody knows he's madly in love with you, Marle. Have you read that part of the press?'

I feel myself blushing, 'Yes'.

'Exactly. I wouldn't worry. Just tell her to get the fuck out'.

'I hope I never have to see her'.

'Me too. Now, please can we swim?'

'I don't know', I whine and test the water temperature seconds before Max plunges us deep into the river.

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