Chapter 16 - Hamilton's Late (Plane Journey)

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We made it through the airport and onto Toto's private jet with complete privacy but this luck likely came from the fact that it's early morning.

I've only been on his plane once as a child but it's much larger and more modern than I remember. The seats are all white leather and the theme follows a neutral and brown color scheme, summing up Toto's expensive taste with just a few furnishings.

I sit next to Charles who kindly gave me the window seat and Toto sits opposite to me by Mila.

There are a bunch of seats to the right of us.

Nervous, I wait for the doors to close so we can take off to Monaco.
I haven't been in the air for around two or three years so I let Charles know how I feel by clutching his hand tightly.

'What are we waiting for, Dad?' Mila looks to her Dad who is typing away on his tablet.

He tears his gaze from his gadget, scanning the ground outside of the plane. He points down, and shouts, 'Them'.

Charles, Mila and I all follow his pointing direction and see two familiar men running towards the plane.

'Oh my God!' I cover my mouth in shock.

'Holy-' Charles laughs.

'It's George and Lewis!' Mila exclaims, 'Dad, you didn't tell me they were coming!' Mila laughs, waving to the boys out the window.

Toto looks to be a little on edge, 'It was a surprise. Wouldn't have been if they weren't so fucking late'.

George enters the plane first, ducking to avoid hitting his head. 'Hi guys!' His energy instantly changes the vibe of the plane. He's such a genuine guy.

'Hi!' Lewis greets us, rushing onto the plane. Both of them sit down chaotically opposite each other.

We exchange greetings and the doors finally close, delivering to me a rush of nervous butterflies.

'Charles, Mila. Congratulations! I knew you were good for each other', Lewis smiles warmly.

I thank them and so does Charles, who pulls me into his chest playfully and stroked my cheek with pride.

'How did you find out so fast?' Charles laughs, Monegasque accent really shining through.

'Carlos', George confesses.

'Of course', Charles and I speak together - he squeezes my hand discreetly upon acknowledging our simultaneous answering.

'Oh well', Lewis brushes it off, 'How are you feeling about being in the paddock for the first time, Marley?'

'You must be so nervous', George chips in, 'I remember how nervous Carmen was when she came to the paddock for the first time'.

I sigh, 'I am nervous, but I have a good feeling about it all'.

'They will love you', Lewis reassures me, 'They will definitely love you after hearing about what you did at my party'.

'Don't even - I still have your shirt', I tell him.

'Keep it, it's my congratulations gift to you both', he chuckles before putting on his sunglasses and closing the window hatch. 'Don't like flying much, especially not today, too early'.

'Oh, Lewis. It's only 4:45am', Toto leans over Mila to tell him.

The engine kicks in and the pilot communicates with Toto in a language I do not recognize.

'Ahh, here we go', Charles looks worried.

'Don't you panic', I laugh nervously, 'It'll make me panic'.

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