Royale Dio Du Sainte-Germaine Champs-Elysees [FORM]

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Author Games: The Tempest - DROPPED/CANCELLED

Name: Royale Dio Du Sainte-Germaine Champs-Elysees ("Roye" for short, but if you leave off the e, he'll cut you - and he'll know if you leave off the e)

Age: 25

Gender: He supposes it's all right if you go with the standard he/him pronouns, but really, it doesn't matter much to him.

Appearance: Roye takes great pleasure in pleasing the senses of others and himself aesthetically. He takes great pleasure in grooming his hair, long and golden and much like a mane, in keeping his skin exfoliated and soft, in tackling blemishes before they can take root. He takes great pleasure in staying fit as well, in toning and building up enough muscle to match his tall stature. Oftentimes, he doesn't leave the house done up in opulence, but in a crisp, slim-fit suit - he is, after all, the representative of a booming ottoman company, and must keep up appearances (if for nothing else, at least for the income it provides). When the hours reset at night, however, and the sun has winked out of existence, he refuses to hold back. At these times, you'll find him donned in gold and silver and purple. In some cases, nothing at all.

Personality: You'd think the passing of his beloved father would bring some solemnity to his personality, at least for a little while, but on the contrary: his adoration for parties and drink and pretty things has only increased (as has his bank account), and if one were to say, "My, that's not a personality trait at all," it would be made immediately clear that they'd never met Royale before. Still, the responder in question would sigh and offer up something else. That he has short threads for patience and his temper alike, and when confronted with any type of issue, he tends to avoid it through a whole cookbook of methods. They might call him reckless, too, with money and the feelings of others and lives that aren't his to be reckless with. They'd also say he must lack foresight, but it hardly matters, as there's usually someone there to help clean up the ensuing mess. It's likely they wouldn't have much good to say at all, but it's true, he has his moments of kindness, generosity, and he's got excellent vision. If only he'd apply it to something more than aesthetics and grandiose events.

Crew or Passenger: Passenger

One Phobia: Being held accountable.

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